hold still

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~ a request for Scarlett doing Julian's eyeliner. I figured I could do this one short and sweet before the angst to come for part two of the previous one-shot/(two)-shot ~

  "Julian," Scarlett sing-songed, hands behind her back as she walked up to her husband who was seated on the edge of their bed.

      His eyes narrowed as a wry smile twisted his mouth. "Crimson," he sang back. "What are you hiding?"

       Scarlett pressed her lips together trying to contain her smile. "Have I told you how pretty your eyes are?"

      Julian laughed, in the middle of responding when Scarlett sat herself onto his lap. She heard his breath hitch and took the opportunity.

     "Hold still," she murmured, revealing the kohl pencil from behind her back. "And don't blink, please."


      "Sh." Scarlett tilted his head back gently, but it was all wrong. "This angle isn't working. Could you lie down, my love?"

      "Well, since you asked nicely," Julian teased before falling onto his back.

       Scarlett scooted up so that she was seated on his lower chest, and bent so that the angle was perfect. "I'm doing your makeup," she finally explained.

      Julian let out a huff of disapproval, but contrary to his outward emotions, he stayed still and did not blink.

      Scarlett slowly moved the kohl pencil across his lashline, with a small downturned wing. She then continued the line on his bottom lashes and used her thumb to gently smudge it, creating a smoky look.

     "Blink break."

      Julian's eyes fluttered a few times, before looking into hers. "What did I get myself into?"

     "Blink break over."

      "Cruel," Julian whispered but stared his eyes open again.

      Scarlett repeated the process on the other eye, smiling as she admired her work proudly. "All done. Now you look like a rogue pirate, but pretty."

      Julian took ahold of her, positioning her so that she was lying on top of him, Scarlett giggling at his quick movements. "You're telling me I wasn't pretty before?"

      "You were handsome before, Julian. There's a difference."

       Julian waggled his eyebrows "As much as I adore having you on top of me like this-" Julian sat up, and Scarlett moved so that they could both look into the vanity while still seated on the bed, "-I'd like to see how I look... mm I do look pretty."

      "Of course you do." Scarlett wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning into him and pressing a kiss to Julian's cheek.

     "You know..." Julian turned his head so that she kissed his lips, and he spoke between kisses. "You stick... your tongue out... when... you're... concentrated." 

      His hands moved along her bare arms, deepening their kisses as Scarlett struggled to respond.

     "I do?" She mumbled just before their lips met again, as did their tongues. It felt as if he was massaging her tongue with his and it felt amazing.


     Scarlett moaned into the next kiss, hands tangling into his brown hair.

      "It's adorable, just like that moan was." Julian cupped her face as they caught their breaths again. "I want to hear it again."

      She pressed their forehead together, heavy breaths mingling. "I should do your eyes like that for our next ball. It really brings out the amber in them, and..." Scarlett rolled her head up a little so that their noses were now touching. "It makes you look sexy, my love."

      "You're using that voice again."

      "What voice?"

       "The one that's tired and a little lower than normal, and I can practically hear your smile through it. You know it drives me wild, Crimson."

      Her lips curved as her arms wrapped around his neck. "Is that a yes?"

      "It's a, yes if I get to hear that moan again."

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