Fight For Her!

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Setting: During the week Julian returned from his trip in Finale (before he reconciled with Scarlett).

The sun was beginning to set in Valenda, and Julian had agreed to meet with his friends after his four-week trip he requested Legend send him on. He had been back for almost a week, but Jovan, Aiko and Casper were equally as busy as he was.

Julian's mind wandered to her, his mind often did. She was constantly flooding his thoughts throughout the days. He couldn't deny he missed her - boy, did he miss her - but it was all a part of his plan to win her back.

The red-jewelled chandelier hanging above his head taunted him, as anything red did these days. The crimson star on his arm suddenly felt warm. He never wanted to forget her, even if she would forget him. So, he drew on his body with ink: a permanent reminder of the brightest star in his life.

"Julian!" Jovan grinned, tugging on Aiko's hand with Caspar following not too far behind. He had spent his late-teenage years growing up with them before he became ageless when he was twenty-one, and they were the best of friends and the closest thing to a family he had.

The palace's foyer was large and for the most part empty, save for the few maids and clerks tending the room. Jovan's excited squeal bounced off the walls, echoing around them.

"Did you finally stop throwing yourself a pity party?" Aiko asked with a glint in her eye.

The corner of Julian's lips edged up, "Not quite."

"That's because he probably hasn't wallowed yet," Casper chimed in, "Break-ups can be hard, and wallowing is the perfect healing process."

"Woah, woah, we didn't break up," Julian scoffed.

"Isn't she um... seeing someone else? The count - and not Armando - the real one?" Jovan questioned with pity.

Julian let out a short breath, tugging a hand through his hair. "She isn't exactly seeing him, she's just giving him a chance. But I have a plan."

"A plan?" Aiko cocked her head to the side.

"I think this calls for some ale. You can tell us of this plan over drinks," Casper suggested, already starting towards the kitchen. "I also think a kitchen raid is long overdue."

Julian arched an eyebrow but followed them nonetheless. They marched through the corridors and Jovan threw the kitchen doors wide open.

"Do you think there are pickles in here?" She asked.

"Pickles don't go with ale, Jo," Aiko said, grabbing her hand as they entered the large kitchen.

"They do if it's the right pickle."

"So, this plan. Spill." Casper began pouring four glasses of ale, sliding them across the counter to each person in turn.

"Well, she'll begin to miss me if she hasn't already. Without seeing me for so long, she'll realize that we're meant for each other," Julian explained briefly, sipping his alcohol slowly.

"Oh, my saints," Aiko rolled her eyes. "Have you learned nothing from that night during her first Caraval when you just stood her up?"

"You have to fight for her, Julian!" Jovan encouraged, stressing the word fight

"Jo's right. If you don't, all D'Arcy has to do is swoop up and be present in her life and he's won." Casper picked at his nails as he continued to down the ale.

"I already tried that, and it only seemed to push her away more," Julian huffed.

"Then try harder," Aiko said as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

"You have to open up to her, show her how much you care! Show her why she should choose you over the rich guy." Jovan took a bite out of a pickle. "I'm invested in this love story, I don't want to see it flop."

The others nodded in agreement, and Julian rolled his eyes. But he didn't want to see it flop either.

"Take action and tell Scarlett what you feel for her. She's had time and space. If that isn't enough, then nothing will be," Jovan finished grandly.

When Jovan said her name, Julian felt as if he had been punched in the stomach. A fresh wound that he didn't want to heal unless she was the one bandaging it.

They were right, he needed to fight for her. He couldn't - wouldn't - sit back and watch as another man moved in on her.

He loved her, he knew he did. Now it was time to fix the mess he weaved himself into before it was too late. Before she slipped through his fingers forever.

"I need a new plan. A plan that's going to work-" Julian began rushing but was quickly bopped on the head playfully by Jovan.

"Enough with the plans. Just tell her!"

Julian nodded his head, "I'll catch a coach first thing in the morning. Or the afternoon? I don't want to wake her- yes the afternoon. I'm going to get Crimson back, I'm going to fight."

Two oneshots in one day! I'm thinking of making an alternate version to 'Good Morning, Heir' because I have a different idea I want to try out.

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