We're Almost There

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Setting: post-Finale, AU where Paradise is empress and Scarlett and Tella are princesses (it just makes it looser when Scar is a princess rather than empress)
Inspiration: I've been in a bit of a writing slump, so I found an otp prompt about a corn maze.

"A corn maze?" Julian arched his eyebrow as Scarlett tugged on his arm, leading him to the start of the maze.

"Yes, a corn maze. It's Hallow's Eve and it's fun to be festive," Scarlett replied with a twinkle in her eye. "Me and Tella used to do them all the time on Trisda."

"This should be simple." Julian shrugged, taking Scarlett's hand in his. "Which way should we go? Left?"

Scarlett stood on her toes, but couldn't seem to see too much far ahead of them, "Why not?"

The couple started left, taking turns deciding which way to turn from there. It had been around thirty minutes when Julian said, "I know the way out now!"

He did not know the way out.

Julian insisted they were close to the end every ten minutes, but Scarlett had recognized the same wall pattern before. They were circling themselves.

"Julian, are you sure we're close to the end? I think we've already been here."

"Crimson, trust me. I know where we're going," Julian assured as he tossed glances around the maze.

"We've been in the maze for at least two hours. Maybe we should ask someone-"

Julian shook his head abruptly, "We don't need help. We're very close."

Scarlett pressed her lips together to prevent a laugh from escaping her lips, "Lead the way."

Julian nodded, his expression was concentrated, determined to find their way out of the maze.

The sun was beginning to set, and the lanterns hanging high above the corn maze began to glow. There was a light breeze in the air, causing Scarlett's bare arms to chill.

Julian noticed her hands rubbing against her arms in an attempt to warm them, "Oh, Crimson-" Julian quickly took off his suit jacket and put it around her shoulders. "Is that better?"

The edges of Scarlett's mouth turned up.

"Thank you," she said quietly, embracing the smell of him on his jacket.

She didn't really care that they had been going in circles for hours, she just liked watching him so determined that they were going to reach the end soon.

A few dead ends and right turns later, they had run into one of the actors from Caraval.

"Hello, Julian, Scarlett, long time no see," Armando smiled wickedly at them.

It took everything in Scarlett not to scowl at him.

"Do you need any help exiting the maze? I've completed it around five times already," he continued.

"Me and Crimson are doing just fine completing this maze, no thanks to you." Julian narrowed his eyes and quickly led Scarlett away from Armando. "We don't need his help, we're almost there."

Scarlett's good mood returned and she pressed a quick kiss to Julian's cheek, "I don't doubt it."

A grin spread across his face, "I know a shortcut."

"You do?"

Julian swept Scarlett in his arms, carrying her bridal style.

"What are you doing Julian?" Scarlett asked skeptically.

"You might want to cover your eyes, Crimson."

She buried her head in his chest, and he quickly darted through the walls of corn until they were outside once more, ignoring the strange looks from the fellow maze-goers that were watching them cheat the maze.

He kissed her tenderly before putting her down, "See? I told you we were almost there."

I know this is kinda short, but I wanted something with a lot of fluff. I think the next oneshot is going to be mainly angst so... sorry in advance :)

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