my golden curse

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A req for another part to the "my golden princess" storyline from moon_bcv ! If it wasn't for this req I probably would've just forgotten abt this lols. anyways, after three failed drafts of the third part (including the stars interrupt this program interlude), here she is! Hope you like it! <3

Scarlett stared bleakly at the glass vile in her hands, purple (a colour she absolutely hated) liquid swished around as she tilted the vile back and forth.

"And this..." Scarlett trailed off before coughing into her arm. "Is supposed to help?"

Poison sighed, stormy gray worry taking over his emotions. "It will dampen your symptoms, Little Star. It is not a cure."

The lid popped off as her thumb flicked it away. It smelled putrid and awful but Scarlett downed it as quickly as possible, wincing at the unpleasant burn trailing down her throat. It tasted metallic and a little acidic, mixed with a small amount of sourness.

"There could be a few different factors leading to this... cursed disease, but my best bet would be coronation night. Gavriel's coronation night," Posion started. "When your body tasted what immortality could be like, the power you could hold, I think it twisted your soul and magic somehow. Magic like you have isn't meant for a normal, mortal body. At least us Fates are now ageless. You're body will... eventually expire. You're magic is just quickening the process."

Scarlett's heart dropped. She hadn't wanted to hear this. "And is there anyway I can get rid of my magic?"

Poison shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Little Star. Not when you're born with it."

Scarlett pressed her lips together. "How long until the tonic dampens my cold?"

"Your cold should be gone within a few days of the tonic. Your cold was just that; a simple cold. But..." Poison waved a hand. "It's how the disease may weaken your body. Hence, coughing up gold flecked blood. In more serious health conditions, your body will not be as strong to fight it. I have no idea where it may lead, though."

"Right, of course. This really isn't a common situation, is it?" She laughed dryly.

"No," Poison's voice dropped, just above a whisper, "it is not."

      "What about Legend? He's mortal and has magic."

     Poison shook his head. "Legend was immortal for a very long time, Little Star. His body will be used to it by now, he has learned how to control his magic. It works for him."

      Scarlett blew out a frustrated breath. "And I can't learn how to control the upper power of mine?"

     "Not without two factors. Becoming immortal first and... having someone with similar magic train you."

     She already knew who that someone was. And even if she wanted to become immortal and learn how to control her magic, she would never bring that someone near her sister again.

     "So I'm stuck taking this tonic and praying my magic doesn't eventually kill me?"

     Poison winced at her bluntness. "I won't let it kill you."

     There was an edge of protectiveness in his voice. Scarlett looked into his dark brown eyes, studying him for a moment. Not with judgement, though. She just wanted to understand him better. His emotions came in different shades of caring strawberry pink, and fearful shades of lavender.

     "You're the only one who looks at me this way, here." His voice was quiet and a little uneven.

      Scarlett grew confused. "Like what?"

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