theatre boy <3

679 12 10

Setting: modern day au
Request: Julian being the bf that would throw rocks at his gf's window (modern day) from K1RAA

Because of the age gap, dantella/legendtella doesn't exist in this modern day au. Tella is sixteen while Dante is 20. There will be a prequel to this :)

      It took her sister and a lot of convincing for her step-father to take Scarlett out to the theatre on opening night. Tella was on board to help Scarlett, and Paloma seemed open to the idea as well. Scarlett had originally intended for only her and Tella to see the play, but Paloma and Marcello deemed it an even better idea if they all went out.

So now, Tella and Scarlett were getting popcorn for their parents before the show started.

"Some romantic plan now, huh?" Tella snickered as the person at the canteen filled their buckets with popcorn.

"Oh, hush." Scarlett rolled her eyes, just as her phone in her purse dinged.

She dug through her handbag to see a message from Julian.

Are you able to sneak away for a bit?

Maybe, why?

Come back stage

"Is that your boyfriend?" Tella asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Scarlett felt her cheeks flush. "Maybe. Do you think you could tell Mom and Marcello that I'm in the bathroom?"

"So you can sneak off to snog with Julian?" Tella smirked. "Of course!"

"Thank you, Tella." Scarlett kissed her sister's head and hurried off to go backstage.

It took her a few minutes, but eventually she made it. She seen Julian seated at a vanity, finishing his stage makeup and costume touches. His eyes met hers through the mirror.

"Hi, Romeo."

His whole face lit up. "Crimson!"

       She stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning down so her head was next to his in the mirror.

      "I am so happy you were able to make it tonight. I was beginning to worry my lucky charm couldn't show up."

       Scarlett pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I wouldn't miss it. Plus, you know how persuasive my little sister is."

      "I know. She's always pulling strings so that Val can stay over at your place."

       "Dante doesn't like your sister sleeping over at our place?"

       Julian grunted. "He doesn't like Marcello."

       "I don't blame him."

      "Roll call is in five minutes, people! Get ready," the director called, causing both Scarlett and Julian to look away.

      "I should get going, my parents will wonder where I am." Scarlett rubbed Julian's shoulders before he captured her mouth with his.

       They lingered for a few moments before he pulled away. "Meet me after the play for ice cream?"

       Scarlett pressed a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. "I'd love to. Break a leg, Romeo."

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