Juliett Headcanons

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Headcanons because it was my first day at work and I heavily need some fluff.

- When Scarlett goes to kiss Julian's cheek, she always kisses the one with his scar.

- Julian always wakes up first in the morning because he's used to getting minimal sleep for Caraval.

- And when he does wake up, he either plays with her hair until she gets up too, or he goes and personally makes breakfast for her on rare days cuz he's a soft boi with a rock hard exterior and wants to do something sweet for his wife.

- Scarlett usually takes the lead in Royal Court, unless it's a topic she's uncomfortable with (i.e the governors of the Meridian Empire, the Fallen Star), then Julian takes over, and asks her opinion on it when they're alone.

- They feel the need to tell each other every little thing that is going on in their lives because of how secrets drove them apart before. Preferably, they talk about things that are on their minds every night when they're cuddling before bed.

- Scarlett wears her magical gloves that Julian sewed all the time. Like it could be 40 fucking degrees Celsius and she would be happily sporting her Fated gloves.

- Scarlett doesn't like using the Reverie Key anymore after the events of Finale. But when it's Julian and Scarlett's anniversary, they whip it out and recreate the first time they used the Reverie Key, as it was when Scarlett realized that she could only ever love Julian.

- Julian reads Scarlett bedtime stories, or retells Caraval stories every night. When their son is born, he tells stories for both of them.

- And Julian probably has a really weird sleep schedule cuz of Caraval, so sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and sporadically stays up for like an hour. He somehow always manages to wake up Scarlett, and she gets him to tell her a story until they both fall asleep again.

- If anyone's ever seen the Disney movie Tangled, I imagine their story telling moments like when Eugene was telling Rapunzel about the tales of Flynnagin Rider at the campfire.

If you have anymore (doesn't matter what ship) please comment them as I love reading headcanons! I might make a part two later.

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