The Vanishing Glass

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"Wow, these movies delve right into my childhood and Hogwarts years. Great, simply great," Harry groaned in disdain. 

Ginny couldn't help but snigger but Harry shot her a sharp glance.


Almost 10 years has passed. The screen portrayed a young boy with a lightning bolt scar peacefully asleep.

"Wow, over a decade has flown by," Harry mused

Suddenly, a sharp knock interrupted the tranquility as a woman named Petunia Dursley demanded entry.

"Up! Get up, now!" Petunia's voice boomed through the door, her impatience evident in the forceful knocks.

A boy with piercing blue eyes appeared on the screen.

"Blue eyes? Mine are emerald green, and my hair is far from tidy or brown!" Harry exclaimed incredulously.

"Hold on, Harry. Those are actors portraying us," Hermione interjected, trying to calm him down.

Realization dawned on Harry as he nodded in agreement, "Right, right, of course."

Harry's attention shifted to the screen once more, only to be met with further discrepancies.

"Good Lord! I am a brunette. What happened to my blonde hair?" Petunia groaned. 

Frustration bubbled within her as she muttered, "What's with these people? Firstly they make us watch these freak movies and and then distorting our appearances."

The woman departs, retreating to the living room. Meanwhile, young Harry Potter stirs from his sleep, his consciousness gradually emerging as he flicks on the light switch.

"Since when do we have a light in the cupboard? They're painting the Dursleys as saints," he remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"WHAT CUPBOARD! TUNEY, WHAT IS MY BOY SPEAKING ABOUT?" a woman exclaimed, her voice echoing with incredulity.

Harry looked at her and gaped. The woman possessed fiery red locks and emerald green eyes, mirroring his own features. Beside her stood a man bearing a striking resemblance to Harry, albeit with brown eyes. Flanking them were three individuals: one with cascading ebony locks, another with a distinguished countenance and short, ebony hair, and a woman adorned with vibrant pink tresses.

"MUM! DAD!" Harry exclaimed, his voice brimming with emotion. Beside him stood Teddy echoing the same excitement, 

Harry enveloped James and Lily in a tight embrace, his heart swelling with joy. Teddy, meanwhile, sought solace in the comforting embrace of Remus and Tonks.

"What about me? Am I invisible?" Sirius pouted, feigning offense with a playful smirk.

"Oh, Padfoot," Harry chuckled affectionately as he pulled Sirius into a warm embrace, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude, feeling his eyes get teary, 

"I missed you so much," Harry said emotionally. 

"Me too kiddo." Sirius ruffled his hair. 

"Now Tuney! What does he mean by cupboard?" Lily asked, her tone laced with a mixture of concern and frustration, her words more of a growl than a question.

"Umm, I think it will explain," Petunia replied, her voice tinged with fear as she glanced nervously at Harry.

The tension in the air was palpable as Petunia's response hung unresolved, leaving an uneasy silence lingering in the room.

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