Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

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Night falls, casting a cloak of darkness over the grounds of Hogwarts. Hermione, Ron, and Harry sprint across the damp earth, their footsteps muffled by the soft patter of rain. They reach Hagrid's hut and rap urgently on the door, which swings open.

Harry: Hagrid!

But what catches their attention is Hagrid's attire—oven mitts and an apron.

"Look at the state of you! Can't even keep yourself decent," Umbridge sneers venomously, her words igniting a chorus of protests from Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Neville, and Hermione.

"How dare you!" Harry glares daggers at the pink toad.

"Yeah, lay off, Umbridge!" Ron's voice drips with disdain.

"Hagrid's ten times the person you'll ever be!" Ginny's tone is fierce with indignation.

"He's a symbol of resilience and kindness!" Luna's voice carries a note of unwavering support.

"He's always been there for us!" Neville's words resonate with gratitude.

"You have no right to speak to Hagrid like that!" Hermione's voice is firm with conviction.

"Thank yeh, all o' yeh," Hagrid says tearfully, his voice choked with emotion, touched by the outpouring of support from his friends.

The six of them exchange warm smiles with Hagrid, their expressions filled with affection. Umbridge, however, stands apart, her gaze a sharp contrast to the warmth in the room. She glares at them with disdain, her eyes narrowed in anger and frustration.

Hagrid: Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today.

Hagrid closes the door. All three of them exchange a knowing glance.

All 3: We know about the Philosopher's Stone!

Lily Luna, Albus Jr., Rose, Hugo, Scorpius, and James Jr. burst into fits of laughter at the scene.

"That's actually such a funny way to show that scene," Ron says, his grin widening with amusement. Harry and Hermione nod in agreement, thoroughly entertained by the comical twist.

The door unexpectedly swings open once more, revealing Hagrid.

Hagrid: Oh.

The room bursts into laughter once again at the sight, the sound echoing off the walls as everyone revels in the hilarity of the moment.

"Oh my god! Hilarious," Fred exclaims, his laughter so intense that tears stream down his cheeks.

They all crowd into Hagrid's cozy hut, the warmth of the fire providing a comforting glow as they gather around.

Harry: We think Snape's trying to steal it.

"For God's sake, stop blaming me! I was trying to save you from doom, and this is what I get!" Snape's voice rings out, laden with intimidation.

"Sorry, Professor, but you didn't do anything to prove otherwise!" Ron retorts, his grin widening with mischief as he challenges Snape's assertion.

"Shut up!" Snape's glare sharpens, his frustration evident in his tone. "I was trying to protect the Stone, not steal it! It's ridiculous!"

"As I said, you didn't do anything to prove otherwise," Ron quips, his grin unfaltering as he meets Snape's gaze.

Hagrid: Snape? Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him, are you?

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