The journey from Platform 9 and 3/4

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As Harry and Hagrid make their way through London Station, Harry carries his packed trunk and owl, ready for the journey ahead.

"Wait, if Hagrid didn't drop you off, why did you ask Mum about Platform 9 and 3 quarters?" Ron inquired, his expression a mix of puzzlement and curiosity.

"Well, he didn't drop me off. The Dursleys did, like a month later," Harry clarified.

Understanding dawns on Ron's face as he connecs the dots.

Curious glances were cast in Hagrid's direction.

Hagrid: (to a couple) What are yeh looking at?

As they pressed forward, Hagrid glanced at his pocket watch and was taken aback by the time.

"Yeah, but it was the Dursleys who drove me to the station," Harry muttered under his breath, his resentment evident.

"We looked after you for half of our lives, and you can't be a bit grateful, could you, Boy?" Vernon sneered, his disdain palpable.

"Shut up. If you call that looking, anyways," James and Lily Sr. interjected forcefully, their voices filled with indignation. "So much for being the only family he has."

Dumbledore, caught in the midst of the familial tension, appeared visibly ashamed, recognizing the consequences of his past decisions. After all, it was all for the greater good, wasn't it?

Hagrid: Blimey is that the time? Sorry Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore'll be wanting his... well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now uh, (clears his throat) your train'll be leaving in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick to it, Harry. That's very important, stick to it.

A wave of excitement and apprehension washed over everyone present, each recalling their own first journey to Hogwarts. 

Harry examined his ticket with furrowed brows. It read 'London to Hogwarts. Platform Nine and three-quarters.'

Harry: Platform Nine and three quarters? But, Hagrid there must be a mistake. This says Platform Nine and three-quarters. There's no such thing. Is there?

However, when he looked up, he realized that Hagrid had already vanished from sight.

"Wow, how did he do that!?" Mrs. Granger asked softly, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh, hello Mum! Hi Dad! Didn't see you there," Hermione greeted her parents with a warm smile, her tone lighthearted. "Well, of course, it's possible, but right now, I don't think he possibly disappeared. It's just for the plot."

Mr. and Mrs. Granger nodded in agreement with Hermione's assessment.


Harry walked through the bustling station, lost in thought. Suddenly, a man rushed past him, uttering a hurried apology.

Man: Sorry.

Noticing a trainmaster nearby, Harry approached him with a sense of urgency.

Harry: Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, Sir. Can you please tell me where will I find Platform Nine and three quarters?

Trainmaster: Nine and three quarters? Think you are being funny, do ya?

"YEAH! It's an outrage. Bunch of nonsense. It's scumbug. There's no such thing as Platform Nine and three quarters," Vernon interjected angrily, his disdain for magic evident in his voice. He detested anything related to the wizarding world, including Harry, and he certainly wasn't enjoying this encounter.

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