The Midnight Duel

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Outside on the Quidditch pitch, students from Gryffindor and Slytherin were lined up, brooms at the ready, awaiting the start of flying practice. Madam Hooch, with her short hair and piercing hawk-yellow eyes, moved down the line, inspecting the students.

"What! Flying practice already?" Harry exclaimed.

Draco, ever eager to boast, couldn't resist the opportunity to show off. "My good flying. You people should be lucky to see me fly," he declared.

Hermione, however, wasn't about to let him get away with his prideful boasting. "Yes, Draco! Do you remember 1998? When Harry saved you by flying from the Room of Requirement?" she asked in a dangerously sweet voice, her words dripping with sarcasm.

Draco's sneer faltered, his face flushing red with embarrassment. "Shut up," he muttered, his pride wounded.

Hermione flashed him a knowing smile, satisfied with her retort.

Meanwhile, Scorpius, Draco's son, couldn't help but groan at the exchange. "Dad, please stop bickering!!! Like, what are you? Teenagers?" he interjected, his exasperation evident.

Draco raised an eyebrow at his son's remark. "Are you just insulting your clan, including yourself, or insulting me?" he countered.

"Both," Scorpius replied nonchalantly, earning a shake of the head from Draco and a smile of exasperation from Astoria, his mother. It seemed the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Hooch: Good afternoon, class.

The unexpected cordiality of Madam Hooch caught the attention of James Jr., Lily Jr., and James Sr., who looked at each other in bewilderment.

"What the... Madam Hooch, how are you so polite? You told us to hurry up and started your lesson. Was she so kind with you all?" they asked, their confusion evident.

The younger Potters glanced at their grandfather smiling. 

"What! Madam Hooch was never polite. Never. She told us to hurry up! And certainly not a greeting," Harry affirmed, echoing the sentiments of his children.

The younger and older Potters nodded in agreement, united in their shared experience of Madam Hooch's stern demeanor during flying lessons.

"So, any of you play Quidditch?" James Sr. inquired, his excitement palpable as he addressed his family.

The whole family of five nodded in unison, their shared love for the sport evident. James Sr. and Sirius exchanged gleeful glances, their excitement akin to that of children on Christmas morning.

"What position?" James Sr. and Sirius asked eagerly, jumping with enthusiasm.

"Honestly, James, Padfoot!" Lily Sr. interjected, rolling her eyes in playful disapproval at her husband and his best friend's childlike antics.

"I played Seeker, Dad! You know that already," Harry interjected with a smile, reminding his father of his Quidditch position.

James Sr. and Sirius, however, were too preoccupied with their excitement to pay heed to Harry's comment. Instead, they turned their attention to Ginny, their expressions expectant.

Ginny shook her head in response to their silent inquiry.

"I played both Seeker and Chaser, Sirius, Mr. Potter," Ginny clarified, revealing her versatile skills on the Quidditch field.

"My wife played for the Holyhead Harpies," Harry boasted proudly, his chest swelling with pride at Ginny's accomplishment.

James Sr. and Sirius regarded Ginny with newfound respect, impressed by her achievements.

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