The Letters from No one

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Outside, an owl soared gracefully past the house, delivering a letter before perching itself at a safe distance, its hoot echoing in the stillness of the evening.

"Oh no," Harry muttered under his breath, a sense of foreboding settling upon him.

"Wait! We can find out why Dad didn't get his letters," James interjected optimistically, breaking the tension with his determined tone.

Harry emerged from the kitchen and retrieved the letters, carefully sorting through them. As he did, Petunia's voice pierced the air.

"Wait a sec, what about Diddykins' lovely Smelting's dress?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of concern.

"No idea. It was horrible though," Harry responded with a grin, earning him a sharp glare from Petunia.

His eyes widened as he spotted a letter addressed to him: Mr H. Potter, The Cupboard under the stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

"You didn't even ask to read the letter, BOY!" Vernon growled, his voice dripping with contempt recalling those days.

"Don't you dare say anything to my son! It was his letter," James growled back, his protective instincts kicking in.

Vernon cowered under James's fierce gaze.

Harry's eyes widened in surprise, his attention fixated on the letter in his trembling hands. He hurriedly made his way back to the kitchen, where Petunia was engaged in some task. Handing the letters to Vernon, Harry watched as Vernon's expression shifted upon reading one of them.

Vernon: Oh, Marge is ill. Has eaten a funny whelk.

Dudley's gaze fell upon Harry, who held a letter in his hand. In an instant, Dudley snatched it away.

WHAT THE..." James exclaimed, his anger palpable as Lily intervened, urging him to calm down.

Dudley gleefully waved the letter in the air, taunting Harry.

Dudley: Dad! Look, Harry's got a letter.

Harry: Hey! Give it back. It's mine.

Vernon chuckled darkly as Petunia approached him, her expression unreadable.

Vernon: Yours? Who would be writing to you?

Vernon's contemptuous tone cuts through the air like a knife.

"How dare you! Of course, Hogwarts would!" Someone retorted, their voice filled with righteous indignation.

To the astonishment of the entire room, it was Voldemort and Snape, sending shivers down their spines as memories of their dark pasts resurfaced.

For Voldemort, it was a reminder of his time in the orphanage, while Snape recalled memories of his father. Both held Hogwarts in higher regard than their actual homes, making them defensive.

Vernon's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the seal, exchanging a glance with Petunia, while Dudley fixated on Harry with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

The scene shifted as another owl descended, delivering yet another letter. Ignoring its contents, Vernon tore the letters to shreds, his actions met with a collective gasp from the room. The scene then transitioned to Harry playing with some toys with a sad look on his face.

"Wait a sec! I didn't have toys," Harry exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"WHAT! PETUNIA!" a chorus of voices erupted, their shock reverberating through the room as the Dursleys cowered under their accusing stares.

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