The keeper of The Keys

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Dudley rouses from sleep, startled. Harry's expression shifts to one of astonishment and concern. Another resounding boom echoes through the room. Harry springs to his feet, his eyes wide with alarm. Dudley, visibly shaken, looks around frantically. Petunia and Vernon hurry downstairs, their faces etched with apprehension. Vernon seizes the gun, his grip tense, ready for action.

Vernon: who's there? Ahh.

The door shatters inward, and Vernon winces. Petunia's eyes widen in fear. A figure resembling a towering giant, with an impressively long beard and an umbrella in hand, barges in. This towering presence is none other than Rubeus Hagrid.

"YAY! HAGRID!" Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, James Sr., James Jr., Sirius, Fred, George, Charlie, Remus, Albus Jr., and Lily Jr. chorus enthusiastically.

Hagrid beams at the welcoming reception, his warmth palpable.

The Dursleys recoil in terror, Dudley's screams piercing the air.

Hagrid: Sorry about that.

With a casual demeanor, he effortlessly restores the door to its rightful place.

Lily Jr. and Albus Jr. remark, "Wow! The music sets such a dramatic tone."

The siblings share a knowing smile, eliciting smiles from everyone around them. The Potter family's renown is unmistakable, evident in James Jr.'s Quidditch prowess, Albus Jr.'s affiliation with Slytherin, and Lily Jr.'s reputation as the life of any gathering. While their father's status as the savior of the wizarding world undoubtedly contributed to much of their popularity, each of them shines individually. They are all extremely well-mannered, intelligent, and friendly.

Vernon, summoning every ounce of bravery, demands.

Vernon: I demand you leave at once sir. You are breaking and entering.

The wizards exchange incredulous glances at the Dursleys' audacity.

"What?" they exclaim in disbelief.

"Did you truly believe you could vanquish him? Even wizards find him intimidating," Snape sneers, his disdain evident.

The Dursleys shake their heads, haunted by the memory of that fateful encounter.

Approaching Vernon, Hagrid deftly disarms him and redirects the gun skyward.

"Wow!" exclaimed the younger generation of wizards and witches, their eyes fixed on the screen in awe, while the older generation gazed upon it with fondness.

The gun fires.

Hagrid: Dry up, Dursley. You great prune.

Turning his attention to Dudley, Hagrid's expression softens.

Hagrid: Mind you I haven't seen you ever since you were a baby, harry. You are a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly round the middle.

"What! You mistook him for Harry?" McGonagall interjects, her shock apparent.

"I certainly didn't," Hagrid retorts.

"Um, Professor, those aren't us. They're just actors portraying us," A bunch of people said at the same time eliciting amused nods from their counterparts.

Dumbledore, perplexed, queries, "Who are these people?"

"They might reveal themselves at the movie's conclusion," Hermione suggests.

"Very well," Dumbledore acquiesces, and the room echoes in agreement.

Dudley: I-I-I-I'm n-no-not Ha-Har-Harry.

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