Diagon Alley

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Hugo leaned back, his eyes fixed on the screen as he mused, "You know, these movies aren't half bad. I mean, they pour so much effort into them, and we get to relive so much of what you did when you were eleven."

Hermione interjected before Ron had a chance, "Yes, but I'd prefer if you didn't do anything at all that you see here," she quipped.

"Sure thing, Mum," Hugo chuckled.

The film resumed, transporting them to the bustling streets of London. As Harry and Hagrid traversed the Muggle-filled sidewalks people keep staring at them. 

James Jr. couldn't help but remark, "Everyone's gawking at you, Hagrid."

Hagrid simply shrugged, unfazed.

Harry: All students must be equipped with ... one standard size 2 pewter cauldron and they bring if they desire either an owl, cat or a toad.

Harry looks at Hagrid and asks,

'Can we find all this in London?'

'"YEP!" the wizards exclaimed in unison, their enthusiasm echoing through the room.

The older Dursleys shook their heads in disapproval, muttering about nonsense and freakiness and how they are forcing their Diddykins to see this, while the rest of the room erupted in sniggers.

Hagrid: if you know where to go.

As they rounded the corner, a weathered sign reading 'Leaky Cauldron' came into view. With a creak, Hagrid pushed open the door, revealing a lively scene within.

The air was filled with the hum of conversation and the melody of background music

Neville remarked with a sense of nostalgia, "Wow! That was when Tom worked there."

Harry simply nodded in agreement

Together, Hagrid and Harry stepped into the pub, greeted by the sight of wizards gathered around tables, engaged in lively discussions over drinks. A man called out,

Hagrid! The usual, I presume.

The older people became nostalgic remembering Diagon Alley. 

Hagrid: No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business. Helping young Harry buying his school supplies. Hagrid pats Harry's shoulders.

Tom: Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter.

At the mention of Harry's name, the entire room turned to look at him,.

A man approached, extending his hand to Harry. "Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back," he greeted warmly.

Another woman, Doris Crockford, shook Harry's hand with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. "I can't believe I'm meeting you at last," she exclaimed.

"This is what happens when you're famous but don't have a single idea why," Harry quipped with a wry smile.

Suddenly, a man with a turban stepped forward. His name was Quirinus Quirrell.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione couldn't suppress their growls at his sight, drawing curious glances from the others. 

As Quirrell stepped forward, his nervous stammer filled the air

Quirrell: Harry P-P-P-Potter. Can't tell you how please I'm to m-meet you.

Hagrid: Hello Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

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