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Arjun was thinking about confessing his love to Savyasachi, if Nakul did it then he could also, but he was nervous as to whether Savyasachi feels the same or not.

But if he doesn't then only God knows when will he meet her again, or maybe it could be too late.

To clear off his mind he decided to take stroll in the royal garden. And then his heart skipped a beat seeing Savyasachi walking around. Her eyes fell on him, and the cheeks of Arjun went red.

"Greetings." She said, approaching him.

"Greetings, Rajkumari." Arjun said.

"So nice to see you right now." Savyasachi said.

"Nice to see me ? Why ?" Arjun asked.

"I thought I was completely alone for a second, nice to see a friend." Savyasachi said.

"Friend ?" Arjun asked.

"Yes, besides Dusshala, you are my only friend here." Savyasachi said, Arjun's cheeks turned even red but thanks to the dark it was not visible.

"It seems you don't like loneliness." Arjun said.

"I don't, it makes me feel hopeless." Savyasachi said.

Ever since Debyendu's incident, she didn't liked loneliness. And after what Jaydrath tried to snatch her robes 2 nights before, she hated loneliness.

"But sometimes being alone allows you to think and recognize yourself." Arjun said.

"For me, loneliness just invites trouble." Savyasachi said.

"Want to take a stroll together ?" Arjun asked.

"That would be great." Savyasachi said.

They started walking around the garden, until they felt something slithering in front of them. They looked down and saw a King Cobra.

The cobra came in front of Savyasachi, and then coiled itself around her feet. She panicked internally as she on an instinct hugged Arjun, surprising him.

"Stay still. I won't let it harm you." Arjun whispered, wrapping his arms around her.

"Its is wrapping itself around me." Savyasachi said.

"It will be gone in a moment, just hold tight." Arjun said, internally giggling.

Soon the cobra was gone into the bushes and Savyasachi broke the embrace, Arjun internally thanked the snake gods.

"Sorry." Savyasachi muttered.

"We are friends, then why say sorry ? Its alright." Adjun smiled.

This all was seen by Kunti by her balcony, she smiled seeing them both.

"I must do something for them." She muttered.


Savyasachi was with Subhadra, helping her in packing. Suddenly a dasi came and told that Arjun wants to meet Subhadra.

"Tell him to wait for a few moments." Subhadra said, taking out some of her clothes and putting them all over the ground.

Savyasachi looked at her confused, but Subhadra gave her a knowing smile as she made her way towards her.

"Dasi, tell Rajkumar Arjun, he can come in."  now." Subhadra said.

Arjun came in became overjoyed seeing Savyasachi there too. He was about to take a step further when Subhadra stopped him.

"Stop Rajkumar ! I have laid my clothes down so they can dry." Subhadra said. Arjun looked at her confused.

"Jump from there.....and then from the right....my right not yours...careful don't trip...and now jump forward." Subhadra said as Arjun followed.

"You too are a graceful dancer Pandav-kumar

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"You too are a graceful dancer Pandav-kumar." Subhadra laughed, making Savyasachi chuckle.

"Are you contented now by making me dance ?" Arjun asked sarcastically.

"I am quite contented." Subhadra chuckled.

"Did your Bhrata Krishna taught to you how to take revenge ?" Arjun asked.

"My Bhrata doesn't take revenge." Subhadra said offended.

"When your Mama Kans had imprisoned his parents then to take revenge, Krishna had slain him. And you say he doesn't take revenge." Arjun said.

"Bhrata Krishna had slain him, because Kans was a unrighteous man. It was punishment." Savyasachi said.

"Bhrata says that if the culprit is not punished then the balance of the world will be lost." Subhadra said.

"I didn't understand." Arjun said.

"He can only be loved not understood." Subhadra said.

"How can you love someone if you don't understand them ?" Arjun asked.

"I can assure you, once you meet Bhrata Krishna, his name will be the only thing on your lips." Savyasachi said.

Suddenly Kunti entered the room hurriedly.

"Pranipat Rajmata." They all greeted.

"Pranipat. Subhadra and Savyasachi, I got the news that Kalyavan and his army has been spotted in way of Dwarika. Traveling by that path is not safe." Kunti said.

"Then how will we go ?" Subhadra asked.

"Don't worry I will send Arjun with you all for protection." Kunti said, Arjun looked at her and she winked at him.

"Certainly Mata, I will accompany you all." Arjun said happily.



*snake comes*

*snake comes*ARJUN TO SAVYASACHI :

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(Yup Savyasachi, don't resist....just give in to the Gandivdhari.....)

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