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Duryodhan, Dushashan and Shakuni went back to Hastinapoor and Arjun too got a message from Kunti saying he has to reach to Varnavart.

Savyasachi, Devesh, Dusshala and Madhavi were getting ready to leave for Anart.

Currently Savyasachi was looking for Arjun and found him on the training grounds.

"Greetings." She said.

"Greetings Savyasachi." He said.

"So you are leaving for Varnavart today ?" Savyasachi asked.

"Yes." Arjun said sadly.

"You don't want to go ?" She asked.

"No its just...I will be missing you...missing you all." Arjun said.

"This trip might be eventful for you and your family. Take care." Savyasachi said.

"What do you mean by eventful ?" Arjun asked.

"Running out of time, I have to leave for Anart." Savyasachi said.

"Hope to see you soon." Arjun said.

"Me too." Savyasachi said.


Here in Anart Dusshala entered Savyasachi's room, sitting sadly.

"Is everything alright ?" Dusshala asked.

"Yes, I am just missing Dwarika." Savyasachi said.

"Dwarika or time spent with Bhrata Arjun ?" Dusshala asked.

"What do you mean ?" Savyasachi asked.

"You don't know ? You didn't see the love in his eyes ?" Dusshala asked.

"Love ? Arjun's eyes ? What are you talking about ?" Savyasachi asked.

"Sachi, Bhrata Arjun loves you." Dusshala said.

"Cannot be do you know it ?" Savyasachi asked

"Its evident in his eyes, he loves you so much, he always wants to spend time with you, only you. If that's not love then what is ? He loves you." Dusshala said.

"And when I thought I had a genuine friend here." Savyasachi sighed.

"Genuine friend ? You don't trust his love ?" Dusshala asked.

"I trust love not attraction." Savyasachi said.

"This is not attraction, it is love." Dusshala said.

"It cannot be, we didn't spent enough time for him to fall in love with me. He just like others must be smitten by my face." Savyasachi said.

"Never heard of Love at first sight ?" Dusshala asked.

"Love at first sight ? A person can only be attracted to someone's physical appearance at first sight. True love takes time to blossom." Savyasachi said.

"How would you know whether this is love or attraction, when you yourself haven't fallen for anyone ?" Dusshala asked.

"Yes I haven't fallen in love, but I have fallen in traps of lust. So I might not what love is, but I damn know well what attraction is." Savyasachi said.

" Savyasachi said

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