Our third Encounter

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(this is the present time btw)

Bakugou's Pov:

We have been living in the cave for 7 years now, I'm finally 18 and I'm the leader of my guild for a while now, my group has grown from 5 members to over 800 members from all around the nation, I was appointed leader but I don't know why, Kiri says its because I'm the most level headed when it comes to really tough situations and I just went along with it but with Kiri as my right hand man of course and following him was my friends; Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and another girl named Momo Yayarozu who figured out my story. I didn't even tell anyone but Kirishima my story but then she said something that caught me off guard. 

First she told me her name and asked if I remembered her but I said no. Then she told me that we used to play hide and seek together in the castle when I was little because her mom was my dad's personal advisor. She said she was the only other person that made it out of the castle before Enji Todoroki could get his hands on her. Sadly in the end it was just me and her who really know the darkness behind the Todoroki's.

She only found me when I was in a small town named Alteria last time I was with Sero, of course Kirishima was against the idea of staying behind. I wanted to go with Sero because me and him both know how to haggle really good. 

Currently I am wearing my dad's old, dirty, and ripped cape. I always carried it with me, I needed it everywhere I go. 

Me and Sero aren't at the our base right now, we are walking around the town till we found a shop that sold weapons and we needed some more since Yayarozu is in charge of training new members in how to fight, she was basically the commander. She was better at teaching than I was and I really trusted her. 

"Hey Sero, go on an buy some new swords, bows, and shields while I go get something over there." I gave him a pouch of money after I pointed to a shop.
"Are you sure you wanna go alone?" He asks while taking the money.
"Hah? You think I'm afraid to go in a shop alone?" I asked and he chuckled.
"No. Nevermind, where do you wanna meet up after I finish here?" He asked and I just point over to the stable.
"I think it's time we buy a new horse and waggon so meet me over there." I tell him before walking off on my own.

I walk into a store that I always found interesting, it was run by a small boy named Izuku Midoriya who always loved seeing me, I don't know why but I didn't pay too much attention to it. As I walk in side the shop I was immediately met with arms around me
"Kacchan! Your back! I Heard your voice outside and got excited!" He says while hugging me.
"Yea, I came over as promised." I tell him while gently pushing him off. "Sorry, I'm not much of a hugger. Did you get what I asked for?" I asked and he nods fast while hopping over to the counter.

I make my over to where he was after closing the shop door. He made sure no one was around before pulling out a really pretty hair pin that was gold and had a pink gem with red mixed into the gem, it was also had an emblem that signaled high value.
"Heh, nice job." I take the object before giving him some head pats. In return he giggles and smiles a lot.
"Is there anything else you would like me to look for?" He asks while looking up at me.
"Hmm... how about his...?" I pull out a small book I had and gave him a paper that had an image of a bottle. 

"May I ask what it is?" I nod and replied with "It's something from my past that was stolen, it belonged to my mom. She used to use it a lot when she was around nice plants." I tell him and he nods.
"I'll try my best to find it! As in return you promise to visit me again right?" He asked with a small pout.
"I'll come back, don't you worry. As for now I must go, have a nice day Izuku." I say while walking back towards the front door. I took one last glance back at him and he was waving and I could definitely see some blush.
"Bye Kacchan! You're always welcomed!" He tells me and I just smiled before taking my leave.

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