Being inside

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Todoroki's Pov:

I ended up waking up in someone else's bed but I don't remember how I got here. I look around the room to see I'm in some type of cave with fortified walls. It looks really nice and cozy. It's definitely better than the castle. I should probably stay on guard as I look around. 

I swung my feet out of bed before standing up. Pj's? They're not mine at all, I usually sleep in a robe. I then start walking around to find a blonde sleeping on a couch in which I assume was the living room. Now I remember, he threw an apple at me! I didn't even do anything wrong! All I wanted was to introduce myself. Did he help me? 

I quietly sit down in front of the couch he was sleeping on and looked him over a bit. He had really spikey ash blonde hair, he was wearing no shirt so his abs were very noticeable, he had some ripped trousers on, and he was wearing an old cape that I've seen on him many times before. I wonder if it's really important to him.

I then look back at his face, he looked so soft when he's asleep, i'd probably get killed if I woke him. I smile once again as he I watch him roll on to his side. I was close to touching his soft cheeks when someone grabbed my hand harshly.
"Who the hell are you?" I look up to see a pissed redhead. 

Oh cool, I get to meet his dragon friend. I thought to myself before standing up.
"Please excuse my rudeness. I'm Shoto Todoroki, the youngest in my family. And I just wanted to poke his soft sleeping face." I say while looking back and forth from the two.
"Keep your hands to yourself, stupid Todoroki.." I hear him mumble the last part. 

So he's one of the enemies my dad has, I should probably tell them that I hate my father and want nothing to do with him, but I want to say it when Bakugou wakes up.
"You guys are really close, I remember the last time I saw you guys. It was about 7 years ago. You were in your Dragon form with petting your head, I really liked seeing that." I say while looking at the red head once again.
"Um.. Stalker much?" He says while folding his arms.
"I wouldn't say stalker, more like a fan?" I correct him while rubbing the back of my neck.

"If your gonna talk go somewhere else." I hear a tired voice say with a groan following right after. I look down at the blond to see him flipping around so he was facing the couch cushion.
"Sorry Bakugou. I'll come wake you when it's time to eat." Bakugou just used his hand to make a shooing motion. I look back at the red headed I hope to befriend who was dragging me out of the room.

I quietly followed his lead especially since I didn't know my way around this beautiful place.
"So what's your name?" I asked and he looks back at me.
"My names Eijiro Kirishima, only Bakugou is allowed to call me Kiri." he says while finally letting me go. I follow him to this spot that looked like a balcony and below it was a few areas filled with a lot of things and people. To the looks of it one way leads to a training area because you can hear the grunting and the sounds of weapons clashing together, on another side you can see a few people bringing some ingredients like meat to some type of cooking area. From where I stood I could see some fires with different pots on them. In front of me was another path and I could see two people standing guard as some people came in with a waggon and a few horses before going under where me and Kirishima were standing. Below us must be where they keep their horses and stuff. And this if just a guess but on the second floor must be where everyone sleeps.

"listen up!" Kirishima says which ended up sounding a bit louder because it bounced off the walls which gave him a small echo. I look around to see that everyone immediately stopped what they were doing to listen to what Kirishima had to say.

"No one is allowed near Bakugou till dinner because he is really tired!" He says before smiling at the people down below. "That's all for now, please continue with whatever you were doing!" He says and they did as they were told.
"This is a really nice place." I say and he turns around to face me.
"Yea and we're gonna keep it this way without you and your father touching it." He says with a small glare on his face.

I shake my hands "No no, I think you got the wrong impression of me." I say while sitting down on the ledge. "Everyone always assumes I'm bad because of my father." I say with a sigh. I think I peaked his interest because he sits down next to me.
"Tell me, How are you not bad?" I look at him while putting my chin on my hand.
"Well for starters I hate my lousy excuse of a father. I hate how he always takes what he wants, like how he stole the Katsuki's kingdom and screwed it up. My dad promised that I would befriend their son but he ran off into the woods because of my father. My brother ended up leaving me behind because my father caught us trying to leave and he only grabbed me. I really hate how my father always favourites me out of all my siblings. Shall I continue?"  I ask and he shook his head. "
Your right, for father is an asshole for what he did to Bakugou and his family."

"How long have you known him?" I asked while facing him some more.
"I've known Bakugou longer than anyone here, we were both five when he dropped into my cave." he says with a small chuckle. "I was so worried when I first found him. I was glad he wasn't hurt." He says with a smile that spread across his face. "He went a whole seven months without saying a single word. I thought he was mute the whole time or that I scared him too much." He says while looking at me. "I swear upon my life I will die before your father gets to touch him." Kirishima says as if he was swearing an oath. 

"Hey Kiri! Who ya talking too?" We both look down to see a girl with pink hair standing next to a guy with bright yellow hair which also had a lightning bolt mixed into it.
"Come up here and I'll introduce you!" Kirishima says and they nod before coming up some stairs that must have been carved.

Once they were here me and Kirishima were already standing. The girl was the first one to speak "Hi! I'm Mina Ashido!" She says before the boy speaks up, "And I'm Denki Kaminari." I bow while greeting them.
"I'm Shoto Todoroki." I say while standing back up properly.
"A Todoroki? But I thought Bakugou said not to bring one in here." Mina says while looking at her redheaded friend.
"I didn't bring him in, Bakugou did. I don't know why and I'm not gonna question his decision." He replies. "And this Todoroki isn't a threat." He adds.
"How do you know that?" Kaminari asks while looking me up an down.

"One, Bakugou wouldn't bring anyone dangerous in here, he's too smart to do that. Two, this Todoroki hates and wants to dethrone Enji Todoroki just as much as we do." He says while putting his arm around my shoulder. "And if he does end up being a threat I'll be the one to handle him." He says with a smile but it kinda sounded like a threat not gonna lie.

"Oh well." Mina says with a welcoming smile
"Welcome! In here we are all considered family!" She says and I nod.
"How's the herb search going?" Kirishima asked.
"I'm having no luck! There's no good ingredients around here anymore." She replies with a pout.
"What type of ingredient are you looking for? There's a herb garden that I attend and there's a lot of different plants inside." I inform them.
"Really?! Follow me real quick!" She says before taking me to her room.

She starts throwing books across the room till she found the one she was looking for.
"I'm trying to make some medicine for really bad fevers but I'm missing this last ingredient." She says before showing me an Image of what she needs.
"I've seen lots of this plant in the garden and there's a lot growing in the meadow that is half a mile south of here." I tell her and she cheers
"Thank you so much!" She says before running off.
"Um, bye I guess?" I just leave her room and head back to Bakugou's room to see him sitting up with his face buried in his knees and I could hear light sobbing, I'm not really a good person at comforting people yet so I went to get Kirishima who was chatting with Kaminari. 

"Oh hey! What did you tell Mina? We literally thought she was a cannon ball because she ran off so fast." Kaminari says while laughing but I ignored him and told Kirishima that Bakugou was awake but crying and he literally ran off faster than Mina did. I really hope Bakugou is okay.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 1633

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