Sneaking Bakugou out of the castle

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Bakugou's Pov:

Todoroki had just woken me up from my nap and now we are walking to the stables. He was forcing me to wear this long hooded cape thing. It's literally dragging across ground right now. I swear I've stumble almost 5 times right now and I'm trying really hard not to be loud and get us caught. The idiot holding my hand right now somehow hasn't noticed my struggle yet and he won't even let go of my hand. It's not like I'm blind, I need a guide. 

I tug at my hand to try and get it free but he just glanced back at me. 
"Sorry Bakugou, I'll let go after we get to the stables." He says in a whisper so I respond in the same tone.

"Why are we going to the stables?"

"To get you a ride back home." He replies and I pause in my tracks.

"No...I don't like horses and they don't like me back and I don't mind walking." I respond and he faces me with our hands in hand still.

"Bakugou. Do you wanna get caught again? This time I won't be able to get you out of being executed." Todoroki states which made me stop and think of the outcomes. 

"What about you? Are you coming with me?" I ask while looking him in the eye.

"I'm gonna stay here to help stall the guards from catching up to you." Todoroki says and my eyes widen, I tightened my grip on his hand.

"Are you stupid? Your gonna get yourself in trouble." I smacked him on the head to try and smack some sense into his thick skull.

"I'll be fine Bakugou, don't worry about me." Todoroki sounds so calm but I'm still worried. I don't want him to get hurt because of me.

"Come with me." I tell Todoroki and he shook his head. "Please. Please come with me. If you don't come, I won't go." I state while folding my arms and looking him dead in the eye with a glare. 

"Come on Bakugou, don't start acting childish now. We have to get you our of here before day break." Todoroki tries to get me to budge but I just plant my feet. "Okay okay, I'll come with you." Todoroki grumbled out his agreement to come with me. I nod in agreement before we finally made our way to the stables.

When we reached the stables I could already hear some horses. I was already dreading the idea of riding a horse.

"D-Do I have to ride a horse.." I asked quietly while following him inside the stables while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Yes, It's the fastest way of getting you out of here." Todoroki replies while grabbing saddle.

"Can I ride on your horse...?" I asked while looking at him.

"If it makes you more comfortable then sure." He replies while walking towards one of the horses. I watch him put the saddle on a white one with a really long mane, it was the same one from last time. I looked at the horse and kept my distance. Todoroki looks back at me while petting the horse's snout.

"Don't worry Bakugou, this horse is really kind and gentle." Todoroki says and I shook my head.

"Lies, that horse attacked me last time it saw me." I state while glaring at the horse.

"Bakugou. She's not gonna attack you again, I promise." Todoroki says softly before grabbing my hand and placing it on the horse's snout. I jolt a bit when I touch the horse, I was worried but the horse stared at me so I stared back till she leaned into my hand. I was surprised that she was allowing me to touch her. "Why not pet her?." Todoroki suggest while messing with the saddle. I smile and gently move my hand down the horse's snout.

After petting the horse it was time to go so I got on the saddle with the help of Todoroki. After getting on I wrapped my arms around Todoroki's waist loosely so that when we move I wouldn't fall of instantly. Todoroki made sure I was comfortable before directing the horse in the right direction before bursting out of the castle walls and out of the kingdom. While riding I would look up at the sky to see the beautiful stars and their constellations, the sky was so pretty at night, it always made me happy. I smile while enjoying the scenery but when I got tired I laid my head against Todoroki's back before going to sleep.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 801

// I'm Sorry for any mistakes I made, I'm just getting back to writing again since I took A break. Btw, How are you guys? ^^ //

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