Bakugou vs Todoroki

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Third Person Pov:

Mina had just finished sewing up Sero's head wound and she applied the paste to help heal the wound faster. She was relieved. If Sero was brought to her any later he'd probably be lost. Mina let's out a sigh as she tossed the bloody needle into a bowl with water before standing up and wiping her a forehead.

After being treated by Mei and seeing that Mina was done, Denki hobbled over to Mina.

"H-how is he? Is he...gone..?" Denki whimpered out.

"He'll live, we were lucky." Mina answered before turning to face the blond. "Now, fill me in? What's happening out there?" Mina ordered.

"I don't know how Bakugou is doing on the inside. I'm worried about Momo though." Denki started to explain.

"Why would you be worried about Momo? She's one of the best out there."

"Yes, I know she is, but she is currently fighting Todoroki!" Denki explained more.

"Todoroki?! I thought he was on our side?" Mina asked eith disbelief in her tone.

"He was, or so I thought? I don't know what exactly happened...he was fine one minute, then he had fallen over and was screaming in pain. I thought he had been shot but half his body started to get covered by this weird black, more like black ice?"
Mina's eyes widened as she listened to Denki explain everything that happened. After hearing what happened to Todoroki she quickly grabbed a book before shoving it in the blond's face.

"Did he look like this?!" She asked as Denki looked over a photo of a man being fully covered in black ice with a glowing gold eye.

"Basically, yeah!" Denki answered.

"This is bad..." Mina mumbled before grabbing a clean mortal and pestle.

"Bad? How bad is this bad?" Denki questioned.

"Todoroki's father sold half of his son's soul to a Demon. Todoroki was his wild card this whole time...." Mina explained as she started grinding some herbs together. "The process has just begun so we can stop it before Todoroki is lost for good but if we don't make it in time, there's a chance both sides will parish." Mina told Denki which caused his eyes to widen from shock.


Bakugou had just made it outside with Kirishima, Deku, Jirou, and Inko. They had snuck back out through the passage and into the woods. They were quiet and careful as they walked back to wave 2. When Bakugou got up the hill he saw Momo about to be deheaded by Todoroki. Bakugou acted fast and shoved Todoroki away from Momo but pushed alittle to hard which sent both himself and Todoroki off the cliff and into the woods.

Bakugou ends up rolling down the cliff before he rolls through a bush and straight into a tree, smacking right into the tree. Bakugou groans out of both annoyance and pain. He didn't have time to make sure he had no injuries since a black shard was thrown his way.

Bakugou quickly ducked then heard the shard hit the tree, going right through the bark. Bakguou was surprised and was grateful it hit the tree and not him. Bakugou noticed how weird and peculiar the shard was and decided to touch it to know what he was going up against.

"Ice...? Why is it black tho...?" He mumbled before seeing another shard tossed his way. The blond once again ducked but this time he looked at Todoroki who had a small limp because of their tumble. The ice has grown a little more and engulfed his whole right side.

"What the hell are you?" Bakugou growled out before finally standing up.

"That doesn't matter. You are in my way and must perish." Todoroki claimed before creating more shards then he threw them at Bakugou.

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