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On my way into work Monday, I ran into the guy from Friday night. He looked like he was coming from the manor looking absolutely pissed. While we passed each other we gave each other a brief nod and continued on our way.

I walked through the gate and knocked on the door. Alfred opened it two second later. "Good morning, Ms Perseus."

"Please, just Percy." I smiled as handed him my coat as he offered. "If you don't mind me asking, why can't you take care of the kids."

"Oh, Ms Perseus, I am much too old to be running around with Master Tim and Master Damian." Alfred smiled and lead me to the kitchen.

"But, you could beat me in a fight." I wondered as I sat on a stool.

"I am not so sure about that." Alfred smiled. "I think Tim is awake and Damian should be awaking soon. You are welcome to have breakfast with them before Bruce goes to work."

"I'm not super hungry, but I'll go get the boys up." I hopped off the stool and started to walk out of the door.

"Ms Perseus?" Alfred stopped me in the door and blocked the door way with his arm. "When did you last eat?"

"I had dinner." A few days ago.

"When?" Alfred demanded.

"I had dinner." I avoided eye contact. Even if I wasn't hiding something, being under the stare of Alfred is so many types of stressful.

"How long ago?" He glared.

"I'll have breakfast." I sighed.

He nodded, slightly approving. "I expect you to have three meals a day, Ms Jackson."

"Oh, shit." I muttered under my breathe, which got me a glare from Alfred. "I mean, yes sir."

Alfred nodded and then went to finish breakfast. I quickly took the stairs to the upstairs rooms. Knocking on Damian's door first, I heard a answer. Opening the door, Damian was laying on his bed, he had just recently woken up but was ready for anything. Reminded me of when I had to wake up demigods for a battle in the titan war. Alert and ready to go. "Hey, breakfast is almost ready. Wanna get dressed and go down there?"

"Tch, Jackson. I know the schedule." He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright." I closed the door and walked over to Tim's door. I could see the computer light from under the door again. I knocked again and didn't here a reply. Sighing, I opened the door, " Tim?"

He muttered an incoherent answer and continued typing on his computer. I tried to read it but the letters starting flipping and switching around giving me a headache. "Tim."

With a minute of no response, I asked again. "Tim?"

I touched my hand on his shoulder and his typing slowed down. "Mhm?"

Shaking his shoulder. "Tim?"

Tim shook himself out of his trance and his eyes focused on me. "Hey, Perc, when'd you get here?"

"Did you sleep at all this weekend?" I asked, completely ignoring his question.

"It's Monday?" He asked? Rubbing his eyes. Tim had tired written all over his face.

"Your taking a nap today, don't even try and stop it. Now, go head for a shower and a change of clothes. You have coffee stains."

Tim blushed a deep red and stood up from his chair. "Whoops."

"Also, breakfast is almost ready so make your shower fast." I ruffled is hair and walked out the door. "And if I come back in here soon and see that your on your phone or computer I will take away your coffee and electronics."

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