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I sighed as I sat on my mattress on the dingy floor. Tomorrow I went back to work and see Bruce for the first time since he's know that I found out. If I'm being completely honest, I'm scared shitless. I felt like I was being interviewed again. Facing something mortal is just as scary as facing monsters.

I haven't slept since I got back from my talk with Dick, and every time I tried I would have a nightmare. The clown was back, and the boys were tied up. It made me want to throw up just thinking about it.

After taking a quite, cold shower to save water and heat I get changed. Slipping on a pair of jeans and a blue blouse with white polka dots. I walk out the door and continue to the manor.

Looking up at the gates, I sighed and walked to the door. I bite my lip and knock. Not even two seconds later Alfred opens the door, " Ahh, Ms Perseus, good to see you again."

" Um, you too, Alfred." I smile and nod while he lets me in.

" Master Bruce would like to see you in his office." Alfred informed.

" Hey, Alfred?"

" Yes, Ms Perseus?" Alfred raised a brow

" Is he mad?" I asked.

Alfred smiles slightly, " He's frustrated, but he's not going to fire you. Do not fret."

I let out a sigh of relief, thanking Alfred I walk to his office. Knocking on the door I hear a reply. Taking a shaky breathe I open the door and walk in, " Hey, Mr. Wayne."

" Percy, sit down." He stated at me emotionless. Which was a lot scarier then a glare. I quickly followed his orders and sat in the seat I did for the interior, " It's come to my attention that you know about our nightlife."

" Yes, sir." I look down in shame, " But I promise I didn't snoop! And I won't tell anyone and I will-"

" Dick said that you knew from a dream?" He cut me off.

" Yes, it was where a clown kidnapped the boys. And it's kinda like a deja vu thing where you swear you saw it in a dream, but for me sometimes it actually happens." I looked up to meet his eyes then glanced away for a split second.

" Who else knows? Names and relation." Bruce sighed.

" Um, Annabeth Chase, she's my cousin. Leo Valdez is also my cousin and so is Piper McLean. Then Frank Zhang knows but he probably has no idea what was happening since our family is very strict on what we watch on the news and social media so we rarely are caught up." I answered. Relaxing because this was going better than planned.

" What about the other three. How did they know?" He narrowed his eyes.

" Leo is obsessed with you and your technology and is in love with Batman because you were his hero as a kid, I guess he just put two and two together. I honestly don't know. Piper only knows who you are because of her dad and Annabeth is strangely obsessed with architecture so she loves the manor."

" I will have you know, Percy, that if this information were to get out. It would be very, very bad. Not just for me, but for the boys as well. And if you care about them at all, you will keep this under wraps." Bruce warns.

" Yes, sir. I promise." I quickly find my shows ever interesting.

" Good. You are dismissed." The vigilante shooed me off.

Why am I even afraid of this guy? I question to myself as I walk out. He's definitely not as scary as a titan that could crush me under his boot. I was so lost in thought I jump at the voice, " Hey."

Jason laughed as I regained my bearing, " Hey."

" So, you found out?" He asked. He was leaning against the wall next to the office and was smirking at me.

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