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Something was wrong. And it was mostly my fault. Percy was off. And she had been since I asked about hell. I shouldn't have over stepped the line and I was planning on apologizing when we went to dinner after the mission. Stepping over the line was something I did not like doing but I wanted to know what she had gone through so I could help her. But it wasn't my place to know and push.

But when we got to the warehouse where the Joker was hiding she seemed to snap out of the funk she was in and focus in. Percy was focusing to the plan that Dick was creating. "I'll take him."

The boys turned to look at her. Nightwing shook his head. "Your job is to help take out the goons."

"Please, Wing. I've got this." Riptide pleaded with him. I could see that she was antsy to get something done. Her right hand was twitching as if ready to grab her sword and charge. "I think we all know I can handle myself. Remember last time?"

"You got stabbed." Dick and I say at the same time.

"That was one time. And now I'll be prepared." Percy reasoned.

Robin rolled his eyes under his mask. "Just let her do it. She'll be complaining the entire time if she doesn't."

Dick groaned. "Fine."

To be fair, it was a pretty well thought out plan. Damian was going to be the bait, the story was he came alone and drag Joker out from his hiding place. That was when Percy would jump in and knock him out while the rest of us take out the goons. One thing Dick forgot to account for was how Damian wouldn't back down from a fight. And how loyal Percy was. At least it started out good.

"Hey!" Damian jumped down from the shadows and the rest of us crouched further behind our hiding spots. "Clown face!"

"I'm not just a face, honey." The Joker laughed. "I'm the whole clown."

"Come out and fight me you coward!" Damian screamed. He had his swords at the ready.

"So the big bad Bats finally let the little bird go off on his own?" The joker taunted. Good, he thought Robin was alone. "I was wondering when you were going to be man enough and come fight me."

Damian growled. Not good. I groaned to myself but waited to see how it would turn out. Hopefully Damian would keep his cool and go with the-and the little demon is charging.

"New plan! Riptide help Robin and then rest of us will deal the goons." Nightwing announced and we all jumped down to join the fight. Percy automatically going to Joker. Damn, I couldn't tell if I found that attractive or wish she'd never do that again since she was jumping in harms way.

As I was taking down goons I would try to casually look over at how the duo was doing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Percy get hit with a cloud of green. She only got hit since she pushed Damian out of the way. He wasn't paying attention to the goon since his anger was on the joker. "Don't breathe in!"

Punching the goon I was dealing with in the face, I rush over and pull her out of the cloud. Percy gasped loudly color was slowly coming back to her face. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" I asked. "Are you fucking kidding me. You almost got turned into a clown and you're asking if I'm okay. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She shook me off and gave me a half assed smile. I tried to smile back but it must have turned out weird since she frowned.

"You don't of a bitch!" Damian screamed.

She whipped around to see Damian chained up and the Joker holding a knife to his throat. The growl that came from Percy was almost inhuman. She was over there in a split second, tearing Joker off of the boy. She quickly checked over the boy, cupping his cheeks. Percy subtlety kissed his forehead before turning to Joker.

"Ooh!" Joker laughed. "What a feisty mama bear!"

"You son of a bitch." Percy growled. The Joker flicked as Riptide took her sword out. She charged the insane man with newfound speed and started slashing and hacking. Blood was splaying everywhere and I was frozen in my spot. "Akhlys, you won't get away with this."

"Who..." I started to say.

The joker started laughing and somehow started fighting back. Just because he started fighting back doesn't mean he was winning. He was definitely still losing, both the fight and an alarming about of blood. All the goons were taken care of so Tim and Dick appeared beside me. Damian was still sitting in shock where he was chained. The Joker took the knife he had and stabbed it in her shoulder. She growled looking at the knife handle. Riptide turned her attention to Joker, who was laughing but stopped. He was frozen. His eyes were glancing around, trying to find someone to help him.

Riptide continued to glare at him as he started to foam at the mouth. Green foam and liquid was steaming out of his eyes, nose and mouth. The Joker started to lift off the ground and at least one of realized what happened. Nightwing stepped forward. "Riptide! Riptide, Stop!"

Percy was doing this? Percy turned her attention to us. "Annie, Akhlys has got to pay."

"Akhlys." Tim repeated. "The goddess of misery and poison. Mostly lived in Tartarus."

"Shit." I took my helmet off. "She's having an episode."

I took a step towards her. "Riptide. Look at me."

"Hood. What are you doing?" Dick asked.

"Your going towards her? How do you know she's not going to kill you?" Tim was staring in shock. "She doesn't know what she's doing."

"Riptide." I said again. I was five feet away from her and blood was starting to mix in with the poison streaming out of Joker's eyes. Percy was staring in my direction but I could see through the mask she wasn't looking at me. "Riptide, you're safe. You're home. You're okay."

I inched closer. Slowly reaching to her mask. Pulling it off. Her green eyes were very dark, and turning fast. They looks like the ocean in a storm. She wasn't here, at least her mind wasn't. They're were tears streaming down her face, she was scared. "Percy." I whispered. "Please, come back to me."

Her snarl on her face slowly relaxed and the Joker's gurgling sounds stopped. I cupped her face. "Look at me. You're okay, I promise."

Percy slowly looked at me and sinked to her knees. She broke down sobbing. Percy kept apologizing and saying she was sorry. "You didn't know what you were doing." It was my fault anyway. But how do you blame this on yourself at a time like this. Her eyes were starting to close and I just now relax how much blood she had lost. The knife must have hit a major artery. "Shut, Percy. Stay with me."

She looked up with tired eyes. "I'm sorry."

Then she faded into mist, leaving nothing but the smell off sea salt, a half dead insane man and four boys watching in silence.

1231 words



Alright. Probably see you in a couple months I guess. But I'll still be active so my messages are still open I'll probably just have writers block or smth

Not prof read btw so just ignore the mistakes

Pieces angels and stay safe.

The babysitter Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora