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A/N Hey, so I am rewriting the last couple of chapters so just, forget everything past her disappearing. Thanks. And sorry.

Percy didn't even realize she had woken up by the time her eyes opened. She felt almost numb. She was in a room she didn't recognize and she shot out of bed. Where was she? Why was she floating?

An older lady that looked too much like her mother for her comfort appeared in the door. "Oh, your awake."

"Where am I?" Percy's hand itched for something, a weapon. Where was Jason? Or Damian?

"You are in Atlantis. My husband found you last night and brought you in here." The lady supplied.

Percy got up and walked around, her head dizzy and aching. The women watched her warily, slowly backing away. Percy stopped in her tracks, then she slowly backed away. She sat on the bed, cradling her head in her hands. "Do you know how long I was out?"

"I'm afraid not." The lady slowly walked into the room, still leaving a wide circle around Percy. "You we're out cold when we found you and didn't stir until we gave you some seaweed."

Percy looked up at the women. "Thank you, for taking me in."

"Of course, it was no problem." The women gave a short laugh. "You sure did give me and my husband a fright, seeing you in the water like that."

Percy furrowed her brow. Why didn't she heal in the water and why did she still feel so sore? Her whole body felt stiff and ache like she had just climbed the rock wall at camp for hours and hours. Maybe she had passed out right before they found her so she hasn't spent a lot of time in the water healing. But what was she healing from? What had happened after she left Jason's apartment?

"Are you alright?" The women asked.

Percy snapped her head up to meet the lady, almost forgetting she was there. "Sorry, I got lost in thought, what were you saying?"

"I was just asking if there was anyone you could call?" The women asked. Gods, Percy needed to learn her name. And Percy didn't even know they had phones under the ocean. How the hell does that even work?

"Um," Percy shrugged, "is there a way to contact the kingdom?"

The women stared in shock. "Are you a guard?"

"Yes, I am." Percy lied. "I got knocked out in training and I guess I ended up here. Im Percy." Percy extended her hand out to the lady.

Thankfully, she shook it. "I'm Kassia. And my husband is Timon."

"Once again, thank you so much for taking care of me."

The lady, Kassia, shook her head. "It was no problem. I'm just glad you're alright."

"I'm perfectly fine, thanks to you."

Percy couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing that it took so long to contact, and make them believe her, the kingdom. By the time the royal guards had picked her up, it had been five hours since she woke up. Percy was beginning to feel restless. She couldn't imagine how the boys were feeling, probably losing their shit.


Percy looked up from picking at her nail beds to Kaldur. "How many times do I have to tell you, Kaldur?"

"I'm going to call you Perseus in a royal setting." Kaldur kept a straight face, before a hint of a smile came on. "Although, it is good to see you. The Wayne's are worried."

"Yeah, I'm hoping to get back to them soon. Maybe before dinner. And then they can fill me in."  Percy shot a smile at Kaldur, taking a step forward.

Kaldur shot a hand out to stop her. "What do you last remember?

"Leaving Jason's apartment to go on a mission." It was slightly concerning, not slightly, that Percy couldn't remember anything after that but she figures it will come to her eventually. It's only a couple hours missing and plus, she probably just zoned out.

"That was four months ago. You went on a mission with Jason and the other boys. The joker was there and you went into an episode." Kaldur said slowly and as softly as he could. He was eyeing her with concern. "You don't remember that?"

Percy froze. Ice in her veins. "Four months? I've been gone for four months?"

Kaldur stared at her. "Yes. The Wayne's have been looking furiously you for, especially Jason and Damian, and the kingdom as well. We all were beginning to lose hope."

Percy stared at him, guilt pooling in her stomach. She can't imagine the pain she's put on her family. Percy pulls Kaldur into a hug. "Maybe you should have had a funeral for me and I would have crashed it. Worked the last time."

Kaldur shook his head, firmly holding Percy. "Jason wouldn't allow a funeral for you."

Percy squeezed tighter, the guilt eating her stomach and making her want to throw up. How could she be so reckless? How could she leave Damian? How could she leave Jason? Tim probably hasn't gotten off his computer and Dick is probably holding the family together as best he can. "It is not your fault."

Percy gently pushed Kaldur away. "It kind of is. If I hadn't gone on that mission I wouldn't have missed the last four months. I put the team at risk. It is my fault."

"I'm sure no one seems it like that." Kaldur shook his, opening his mouth to say more.

"It doesn't matter. Can I go see them?" Percy asked.

Kaldur nodded, "Of course, my lady."

Percy groaned and rolled her eyes. "You sound like Chat Noir."

"Who?" Kaldur asked.

"Don't worry about." Percy shook her head.

Percy followed Kaldur down the hall and to the Zeta tubes. Anxiety wrapped around her stomach, squeezing until she felt short of breath. What if they had moved on. Is it selfish of her to wish they still missed her and hadn't moved on from her accidental fake death? Gods, four months, down the drain. She couldn't imagine how slow it passed for them. Trying to find a body of their friend.

She and Kaldur stepped through the zeta tubes and stepped into the Bat Cave.

Aqualad B02

Riptide E07

1056 words


Oh my god I am so sorry. YALL even fucking Wattpad was telling me update. "Readers like stories that have frequent updates." Like damn. Okay.

Anyway, I am SO SORRY. I didn't mean to no update for A FUCKING YEAR??? I am so sorry.

I have good excuses? Junior year. Must I say more? And then my cousin died. I think I'm gonna have knee surgery. BUT, I got into college.

And sorry for the format/pov change.

Y'all, I am still so sorry. I feel so bad. Hopefully I will update within a year. Hopefully before the end of the month but who fucking knows at this point.

Pieces angles and stay safe.

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