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When I woke up, it was not a pleasant experience. When I woke up, I had no idea where I was. The room was fairly well lit and Damian was just staring at me. "Sheesh, we need to have a talk about personal space."

"You are in my house, Jackson. You are in my space." He said tiredly.

"You're right." I said sitting up, wincing at the pain, "I should leave."

"Lay back down, dumbass." Jason shook his head, walking in.

"Hey," I whine, "that's mean."

Jason came over and pushed my shoulders back, "It's true. You got yourself stabbed and didn't tell anyone."

I raised an eyebrow, not knowing what to do. Did they see my scars? If they did, why would they be worried about a stab wound by a switch blade. "Tis but a scratch."

"If you make one more pop culture reference," Dick strolled in.

"Were you all just standing outside?" I try and look out the door.

"No, we were just coming to check on you." Bruce walked in.

"How long was I out?" I asked, leaning against the head board.

"Just a day." Bruce had a walking cane and limped to the edge of the bed.

"I guess that comping out of my paycheck." I smirked. Still drowsy and just wanting to sleep.

"How are you so whelmed?" Dick sat on the left side of the foot of the bed.

"It was only a switch blade." I rolled my eyes.

"I've been meaning to ask you about that." Bruce said. "Boys." The three boys groaned and walked out.

"When we were stitching you up, we saw-"

"What do you want to know to know?"  I cut him off. I don't like when people beat around the bush.

"What were you involved in before you came here?" Bruce asked. 

"My family. My dad's side. You have nothing to worry about, they don't do that stuff anymore." I lied. I just didn't know how to get him off my trail without telling him everything.

"I don't think I can't not worry. They seem like bad people. People like that need to be taken care of."

"They were just superstitious. They wanted to make sure that I could handle myself. The scars are from sword training and me and my friends being idiots." I shook my head, with a small smile. Then I looked up to meet Bruce's eyes. "I promise, you have nothing to worry about."

Bruce obviously didn't believe me, but he sighed frustrated. "Fine. But I expect to be the first to know if that changes."

He stood up and started for the door. "Also, you aren't required for work this next week. You don't have to come in. Technically, you don't have to leave. We need to keep the wound clean and change bandages, and since it was my fault you were out there. It's the least I could do."

"Thanks, Mr. Wayne." I nodded.

After he walked out, I sighed and closed my eyes. This was exhausting and all I wanted to do was sleep. I opened my eyes when I heard the door open again. "Where's Timmy?"

"He's on his computer doing something." Dick shrugged and sat on the foot of the bed.

"What are you gonna do now, Jay?" I asked. "Joker's in jail."

Jason gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Wasn't he the only reason you were staying in Gotham?" I remember something about Bruce asking him to stay. Damian sat on the foot of the bed on the other side. Patting the spot next to me, he glared and slowly sat by me.

"How?" Dick muttered and shook his head.

"Yeah, he was. But I don't know. I might stay a little while." The undead boy sat where Damian was. "But the real question is, how does the Demon do what you say? And how do you like him that much?"

"He's not a demon." I defend since I could hear the little boy start growling. I pinch his cheeks, a risky move, "He's cute."

Damian slapped my hand away and almost lunged at me but Dick help him back, "She's still recovering, don't do that."

I smirk at him, knowing he got in trouble, "Oh, sorry, Dami."

He pouted and sat away from me. Jason laughed, "Ha! He's pissed at you."

"Just a bit." I shrugged. "So what happened after? Did I miss anything?"

"No, not really. After you passed out, we took you here. Alfred stitched you up and Dick took Joker to jail."

"I'm sorry you guys had to deal with me. But thanks for fixing me up." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Tch." Damian shook his head. We all waited for him to say more but he didn't. He continued pouting.

"Anyway," Dick turned attention away from the boy, "We should be thanking you. You saved us and stopped Joker."

"Yeah, you saved our asses." Jason softly nudged my shoulder.

Yawning, I smile at them, "No problem but please, be more careful next time. I might not always be there to save your ass."

"We should probably let you rest." Dick smiles and pats my leg, "Come on, Jason and Damian, let her rest."

Jason follows Dick out but Damian stayed. Dick looked between us and smiled, just a bit jealous. After the cop closed the door, I waited for Dami to turn around, "You still pissed at me?"

He turned around and glared at me. Rolling my eyes, "I'm going to sleep, so you can stay here or leave."

"Thanks." He grumbled.

"For?" I mumbled.

"Saving us. Saving me." My heart melted a bit and it took all I had not to bust out and coo over him.

"Of course, it's my job as a babysitter to keep sticky handed rodents like you out of trouble." I smirked, "Now, you gonna sleep with me or just sit there creepily?"

"It's one thirty."

"Take a nap then." I held up the covers and waited for him to kick off his shoes and lay beside me. He cuddled with me as we started falling asleep.

"It was a stupid move, Jackson." He said, half asleep, "But I'm glad your okay."

"Me, too, kid." I pull him closer, "Me, too."

1034 words


Sorry, this chapter is a bit short. But I hope you enjoy.

But do y'all ever think that Jason doesn't like to be called Jay because Harley called Joker Mr. J?

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

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