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Since Bruce and Damian wouldn't be back until next week, and Clark and Lois needed a night out I got babysit super boy. They lived in town called Metropolis. Clark had offered to give me a ride and I gratefully took it. As much as I loved riding Pegasi, I always felt bad that I made them fly over just for a ride. So that's how I ended up in a fireman's carry by Superman as I almost cried. We were thousands of feet up in the air and if Clark dropped me, Zeus wouldn't even think twice about shooting me down with lighting.

Which, I guess, is a better way to go then falling to my death. I was very much so, on edge and Clark would obviously tell, " First time flying?"

" Sure." I tried to yell over the wind. I literally wanted to cry, this was terrifying. Why couldn't Zeus just give me a memo everyday on what mood he was in. And how far I could test my limits.

Not soon enough, we landed on a farm in the middle of no where. I felt bile creep up my throat as he set me on the ground. " Ugh..."

Clark let me lean on his arm as my knees almost gave out, " Are you okay?"

" Yeah, I'm fine." I groaned. Clark obviously was just a bit uncomfortable, but rubbed my back nonetheless. I slowly stood up, " I'm sorry."

" Oh, don't worry about it. Lois was like that the first time." Clark rubbed the back of his neck.

After I fully regained my bearings, we walked inside. Slowly, I followed Clark up the porch stairs and to see a little boy, maybe around ten or eleven years old. He was almost an exact replica of Clark. " But Conner! Aren't you going to stay?"

" I'm busy." Conner's gruff reply came.

" Please, can't you stay to meet Percy?" Jon pulled on the hem of Conners shirt.

" I've already met her." Conner pulled on his jacket.

" And she's already here." Clark said. Jon saw his dad and lit up. Almost twice as fast as a normal kid, he was in his fathers embrace.

Conner sent me semi friendly glare, to which I waved, " Hi, Conner."

He nodded back, " I'm heading out."

" Bye, stay safe!" Clark called after him. Jon looked after his brother sadly. I felt something hit my heart, it wasn't melting like when Dami does something cute. It hurt. Then something flashed in my eyes. It was me playing on the floor with a toddler. Staring sadly at the door as my mom left. Our mom. Mom was pregnant when she died. What would have Estelle been like?

" Hi!" Jon bounded up to me, breaking my 'what if's. " I'm Jon!"

I smiled, trying to push it out of my head. " I'm Percy! It's nice to meet you."

" How do you know Kon?" Jon asked.

" We met through Dick." I smiled sweetly. Why had I just now started thinking about them. They've been dead for years now.

Jon's eyes went wide, then looked around. " My pa says your not supposed to say that word!"

I laughed, " No, I wasn't cussing, that's his name. His name is Dick."

Jon seemed to calm down a little, " Oh."Jon was so different from Damian. Damian barley acted like a kid and it was easy to forgot he was one. But with Jon, you could see it in his eyes. " Do you wanna see my trucks? Pa says when I turn sixteen, I can get my own!"

" Very exciting." I smile as he grabs my hand to drag me to a box of toys in the middle of the floor. Jon went through the process of telling me about every car and what he called them. Sometimes he would even tell me the model or the year of the car, which was very impressing.

" And this one! This is my blue truck! I got it 'cause my pa has one like this out there to do farm work!" Jon beamed, " Most times I help out with farm work as my chores but I don't mind! It's kinda fun."

Jon continued to ramble about farm work or his "pa's" truck. Every time I heard him say pa my heart melted in a good way. Clark and Lois walked in looking very snazzy. They were going out for a night out on the town, " Alright, Jon, be good for Miss Percy, alright?"

" Do you have to go, Ma? Why can't we just hang out together all four of us?" Jon whined, standing up to hug his mom. " Please, Pa?"

" I'm sorry, buddy," Clark ruffles his hair, " But we've already made reservations."

" Okay." Jon squeezes his mom tight then hugs his dad. Then goes to sulk on the couch.

I slightly smile at his antics, but stand up to see his parents out. Lois kept looking back to see if he was okay, " So, no screens past eight thirty and he should be in be around nine. No sweets after dinner, which you can just make Mac and Cheese or something."

" Lois...Lois, Lois, honey, she'll be fine, he'll be fine. Let's go, we might be late." Clark laughed nervously at me, sending an apologetic smile my way.

" Alright, I love you, Jon!" She called back in the house before Clark lightly tugged her away, " Have fun and be good!"

" Bye Ma! Bye Pa!" Jon waved hen goodbye, then walked back into the house.

" So, what do you want to do?" I asked, sitting next to him.

" We could draw?" Jon suggested. I nodded and he led me to the dinning table before flying, literally, to the back closet to get crayons and markets. I sat down a colored random things on a page for a few minutes before scouting the pantry for some easy food. " Miss Percy?"

" Yeah?" I poked my head out of the pantry after grabbing a box of Mac and Cheese.

" Look!" Jon pointed to his paper. I fully expected it to be a picture of him, his parents and the blue truck. But when I got over there it took all my effort not to cry. He had drawn himself as Superman and someone who could possibly pass off as me holding hands with a dog in the background, " It's us! We're best friends!"

" I love it!" I bit my lip to keep my emotions in check.

" Really!" Jon looked up to me, beaming.

" Yeah," I tell truthfully. This might be the only full truth since he is so cute.

" I want you to have it!" Jon said.

" Really?" I asked.

" Yeah! It's what best friends do!" Jon smiled. I smiled back, then patted his head. Jon pulled me into a hug, which I copied hugged him even tighter. After putting the paper down, of course, couldn't risk messing that up, it was going on my fridge.

" Alright, you ready for some Mac and Cheese?" I asked.

" Yes! I love you!" Jon smiled.

" I love you, too." I pat his head again before going back to the kitchen, " Oh, your gong to be the death of me."

1194 words


Sorry, it's kind of short but I mostly did this one just to see if Jon acting like this is going too fast. But he's also a seven year old so, whatever. And any changes to make him better and closer to his normal character and personality? Also, in the last chapter I changed them walking to them riding Pegasi so it would work better geographically. And the photo is a poorly drawn thing of the height thing and I might go over it and make it better but idk, we'll see. I'll also add anyone else that y'all want to see in the heights.

So do you guys want more Jon fluff, less Jon fluff. And for the next chapter do you want her back at the Manor or finish the night?

And I performed Friday and it went better then I expected but I'm also I didn't get yelled at by the tech but whatever.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

The babysitter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon