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Thankfully, Dick drove me to my apartment, which I barley made it through the door before I crashed. My head was still slightly pounding when I woke up the next day. Someone was also pounding on the door which couldn't be helping.

At this point I didn't care about safety, and I ripped the door open, " What?"

Annabeth walked right in, " You'll never guess where I got a job."

" Oh, yeah sure, come on in. I haven't seen you in forever! What's that? You got a new job!?" I closed the door and went to the fridge to grab two waters, " I dunno, maybe Bob's building? I don't think they have an architect person."

" Bob's building?" Annabeth asked.

" Ya know, like Bob the builder?" I handed Annabeth the water and sat on my mattress with her.

" No, I got a entry level job at the Daily Planet. I'm interning for this guy who's wrote a lot, and I mean a lot, of Superman articles. He basically knows him." Annabeth squealed.

" I thought you wanted to be an architect?" I all but downed the bottle in one gulp.

" Well, they're are no open positions in the cities I want, plus this is getting paid. I can wait for an internship while I get paid. And I might like it." Annabeth shrugged.

" Have you showed them your work? They can't possibly pass you down if you show the what you did at our parents." I lean against the wall and closed my eyes.

" Well, it's not like I can just show them in person, and they will get suspicious if I just show them photos without them actually knowing where it is." Annabeth took a sip of her water.

" Hmh. So who are you interning?"

" Clark Kent. He's one of the best reporters."

" Hmh."

" Are you tired?" Annabeth asked.

" Yeah, and I have a headache." I fell to the side and fell on her lap.

" Poor you." Annabeth slightly mocked.

" It's 'cause Jason and Dick won't stop fighting. They were fine like two months ago. Now they won't stop fighting like cabin ten over a new makeup pallet." I groaned just thinking about it.

" When did you start your new job?"

" About two months ago. Why?" I let Annabeth readjust so she was leaning against the wall with my head in her lap.

" You really are a seaweed brain." Annabeth laughed softly.

" What? Why?" I asked. Annabeth only chuckled. I rolled my eyes, trying to push it out of my mind. Soon I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Annabeth was shifting underneath me. She slowly tried to move my head so she could get up. When I groaned, alerting her that I was awake, she plopped my head down, " Sorry, didn't mean to wake up."

" Ah, yeah, that definitely wouldn't have woken me up." I mumbled into my pillow, pulling the covers up.

" Well, when you woke up, I kinda gave up 'cause you were already awake."

" It still hurt." I whined.

" Sorry, how's your headache?"

"It's gone now." I watched as Annabeth rummaged through the cabinets, " What are you looking for?"

" Literally, anything at this point." Annabeth crossed her arms and leaned against the counter, " Why don't you have any food?"

" What time is it?" I asked, sitting up. I dodged the question, but I also needed to head to the manor even for an hour or two.

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