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" I need to go." I walk back to Dick try to take a full breathe and to still my hands.

Dick looks up from the table, he takes in my appearance and immediately stands up, " What's wrong."

" Oh, I have family problems that just came up." I held back tears as I thought about Jason, " I'm sorry, Dick, this probably isn't the way you wanted to spend your day off."

" Oh, no," Dick immediately shook his head and took both of my shaky hands, " Do you need a hug? And a ride."

I almost instantly threw my arms around him, trying to find stability. For some reason it didn't occur to me that we would lose another person so close after the war. When the war ended it felt like we were invincible. The two camps united and we had peace. But I guess even when the war is over, there is still a battle going on.

" I have a ride, thank you." I pull away. Wiping away any stray tears, " I'll see you around."

" Wait-" Dick digs in his pocket trying to fish out some cash to put on the table, " Wait, Perc."

I didn't listen at I walked out the door. I heard Dick tell the waitress to keep the change as I focused my energy. Since I almost never did this, I didn't want to go far. I let myself melt into sea mist and materialize on the roof of the apartment next to the diner. Dick ran out, looking both directions and starts to jog to the side walk, " Percy! Percy!"

I sat on the roof, trying to catch my breathe. My eyelids felt heavy, as I let out the taxi whistle to call Black Jack. Trying not to doze off as the horse lands next to me. I climb on and he takes off.

He seems to sense my mood and doesn't try to talk to me. I lay on him, leaning on his neck, " Thank you."

No problem, boss

I lay on my bunk bed. It was two days after I arrived and we just had Jason's funerals. We had two, one for the Romans and one for the Greeks. Since Jason spent most of his time here before he finished school, both funerals were in Camp Half-blood.

Laying on my bed, I stare at the ceiling. A few tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of Jason. I've never been able to say goodbye to anyone in my life. Time's were always moving too fast or like most times, it was unexpected. Why did it have to be him? He was destined to do great things.

Maybe it should have been me, since I'm not going to do anything that helps anyone and I haven't done anything. I'm not destined for greatness like Jason was.

I got down off my top bunk to get the same hand dagger off the desk. Climbing back up, I let my hands do their own things as I try to take the pain from my heart to on arms. But my mind still went back to Jason as there was a knock on my door.

" Perc?" Nico asked, stepping in.

My trance was broken as I stop my hands. " Yeah?" I wipe the knife off on my shirt and push my arm against it again.

" We're gonna get a drink, wanna come?" Nico crawled up the ladder and sat on the foot of the bed. His eyes drops to my arm and the blood on my shirt. His expression drops as well as he holds his hands out for my arm, " How bad is it?"

I shrugged and gave him my arm. We had grown close together after he forgave me. He didn't give me a disappointed look or even scold me. He slightly shook his head as he crawled down. I started following but he stopped me. Frowning, I wait while he rummaged around my room, " Do you have a cup or water bottle?"

" No." I shook my head, " no water."

" It will heal you." The son of Hades glared at me. Normally, Nico wouldn't get mad at stuff like this. He understands since he did it after I killed Bianca. It helps in a way that crying and screaming can't.

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