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Nico came out the shadows and looked around. Jason shot up and pulled a gun form literally nowhere. Nico saw the gun and pulled out his sword. I stepped in between them. "Whoa, chill out. Jason this is Nico, Nico this is Jason. No one here is a threat."

Jason looked at Nico skeptically then gave me an asking look. "How do you know him?"

"He's my cousin." I glance at the gun that he still has not put down. "He's fine."

Jason scowls and slowly put the gun down, his arm was still tensed and ready at any moment. "How did he get in here?"

"He can basically teleport." I answer simply. I turn around to see Nico still ready to fight. "What are you doing here?"

Nico kept glaring at Jason. He had a tight grip on his sword. "You know he's died right?"

I gap at him. "Nicholas! You can't say that!"

"You know that's not my name." Nico groaned.

"It's the name that will go on your tombstone if you don't start being nice!" I glare at him. "That could be private or a sensitive topic. Now, apologize."

"So, he's a child of Hades, I'm assuming." Jason sighed and sat back down on the couch.

"Yeah, sorry about him." I give Jason an apologetic smile and turned to Nico, pushing his wrist with the sword down. "What do you need? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. It's just Will." Nico groaned.

"Did you break up?" I asked. Pushing him onto the couch. "Also, have you eaten?"

"No, it's kind of the opposite actually." Nico obviously avoided the second question. Nico opened his mouth to say something then glanced at Jason.

"He's not going to tell anyone. He has no friends." I smirk at Jason. He turned and looked at me with a mock hurt on his face. Jason smacked me lightly with a pillow. I laughed. "What? It's true."

"Anyway, if you guys are done." Nico rolled his eyes and groaned softly. As if him and Will don't do the same thing.

"Woah, Nicholas, when did you get so moody?" I asked, grabbing my fries container and handing it to him. I know that shadow traveling took a lot, as does mist traveling, so I needed to make sure he was okay. "But what's wrong?"

"I think Will wants to take it to the next level." Nico looked fearful. Nico was never a scared boy. He has literally been through hell and back. He wasn't one to cower in the corner, hiding from people or problems. It means that he really cares about Will.

" don't? I thought you loved him?" I asked.

"I do. I mean I like him a lot, but what if I mess it up?" Nico asked softly. I felt my heart melt, then glanced at Jason. This was a lot more than I thought it was. Thankfully, Jason got up with a slight roll of his eyes. Probably mad that he was missing his show.

I sighed, pulling Nico's hand into mine. "Nico, you won't mess this up. It's very obvious that you care deeply about him and he cares a lot about you. You two were destined to be together, Aphrodite probably had this planned since Will was born. I promise you, you can't mess this up. Will is head over heels for you."

Nico blushes and looks down. The fact that Nico was opening up to more people and actually let people get to close to him was very heart warming. It made me feel better since I was the reason he became the broken boy he once was. I just hope that he doesn't miss his sister too much. "What if he doesn't like me as much as I like him?"

I giggled. It was horrible timing but the thought of Will even thinking about leaving Nico was absolutely absurd. It was the most hilarious thing I've ever heard. When I saw Nico's expression, I sobered up. "Please. You two are the cutest couple and I'll be damned if he breaks up with you. It would be the stupidest decision he's ever made. Plus, if he does, he will have me to deal with."

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