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Ancient Greek- I
Atlantic- IU

" Before we talk, do you want anything? A water?" I asked as I looked at my fridge. I had a couple water bottles and two cans of Coke.

" No, I am fine." She said.

" Alright." I nod. I lean against the counter across from her. Crossing my arms and raise an eyebrow to edge her on.

" I would like you to help the team tomorrow." Diana said, " They are going on a mission to deal with an abnormal disturbance."

" Monsters?" I asked.

Diana nodded, " There is a briefing tomorrow that I will introduce you at, then you will lead it."

" Why can't you do it?" To say I was annoyed, was an understatement. I was finally having a normal life, a little romance and going to college but now I have to help the little league?

" You are more experienced with monsters and if you run into anymore demigods you would be able to help them more." Diana said.

" Fine. But I don't want my identity to be revealed."

Diana nodded, " I thought you might say that, so I got you this." She brought this leotard out of her bag with Greek armor plates.

" Are you kidding me? You think I'm going to fight crime in a spandex suit? What about my face?"

" It's actually quite comfortable. But there is this." The Amazon pulled a gladiator helmet from her bag and handed it to me. It was an oldish looking bronze helmet with a 't' shaped opening and dark blue horse hairs for the plume. There was a black mesh screen where the opening was, where you couldn't see inside but I would be able to see out, " Try it on."

I groaned, even though I was quite curious to what it would look like on, " Fine."

" And it has a spot for Riptide and the shield Tyler made you."

" Tyler?" I asked.

" Your brother who made the shield?"

" Tyson." I laughed as I took the clothes from her and went into the bathroom to change. I was still giggling as I came out, in full uniform. I had Riptide and the shield strapped to my back. " How do I look?"

" Absolutely badass." Diana smiled.

" Thank you." I honestly felt badass. It was a black suit, with bronze armor pieces. It was completed with shoulder pads and the straps of leather for a skirt. There were boots that went up to my knees and I could feel discreet wrist plates like Wonder Woman's, along with other hidden pads. " Oh, shit."

" What?" Diana asked.

I scrambled to the bathroom and got my phone from my jeans, slipping the helmet off. Quickly dialing the number, Diana started to come into the bathroom to see if I was alright. I shushed her as the phone started ringing. " Hey, Dick?"

" Hey, what's up? Is something wrong?" He asked.

" Um, kind of. I just remembered that I'm going out of town for a family thing tomorrow. So I can't make it tomorrow." I hesitated. After a few seconds of silence, " I'm really sorry Dick, but we can totally reschedule."

" Oh, okay. At first I thought you regretted what happened." Dick mumbled something under his breathe, " But it's fine, because now I have a basement party."

" Oh? Alright, stay safe out there." I frowned. What did he say when he mumbled?

" Of course. But I'll let you get some sleep, good night Percy."

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