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When Monday rolled around, I could have not been more happy. I was so tired of sitting around in my apartment not doing anything. It got so bad I picked up a book, then got through the first ten pages before having getting a headache.

I didn't feel like going to camp so I sat on my mattress. Playing both part of monopoly and the other games that Jason left. Every day I would slowly add just a tiny bit of water to the stab wound so it would heal a bit faster and any infection would go away. It felt a bit weird to have a cut be stitched up since I've only been stitched up once or twice before this. Normally I would just get some ambrosia or step in a puddle of water or something.

So, as I stood outside the manor, I was debating on whether or not I should go in. Surprisingly, sitting at home for a week is quite exhausting. Eventually, I raise my first to knock on the door but the it swings open. " Ah, Ms Perseus."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind me, " Ho-"

" You've been standing there for quite a few minutes." Alfred smiled at me.

" Oh, sorry." I blushed in embarrassment. Scratching the back of my neck I ducked my head and walked in.

" No, I quite understand. The boys can be quite a handful. Especially with the wound you got in the basement."

" Yeah but I think it healed up nicely. I'm just really tired for some reason."

" Yes. That is to be expected. Perhaps after breakfast, I can take a look and see if the stitches are ready to come out." Alfred led me to the kitchen.

" Alright. Sounds good." I nodded and then I started to take the plates out to set the table.

" Ms. Perseus?"

I poked my head in the kitchen, " Yeah?"

" Remember to set out an extra plate." Alfred reminds.

" For who?"

Alfred didn't answer but just kept making breakfast. Deflating slightly, but then remembering it's non of my busy, I grab the plate and head out. Setting it next to where Tim sits because he was the tame ones out of the three. It almost surprised me when Alfred told me Jason was still in town. He said he was going to stay in town for a bit, but I didn't think that he would stay this long.

Knocking on the first door, I opened the door, " Rise and shine, sunshine."

There was a groan from Jason under the covers, " Do you want breakfast or not?"

Jason seemed to think about it before finally moving. He picked his head up and looks at me through bleary, half closed eyes. The ravenette looked like he could pass out right then and there. His hair was a mess of tangles of black and white. Eyelids fluttering open and close. Jason's voice was a bit deeper then normal, which is pretty deep without the morning voice, " I'll badown soon."

I smirked lightly at he slurred speech and moved on to the other boys's in rooms. They were a bit easier, mostly because they were already awake. After making sure everyone was up, which I didn't completely understand since it was was summer and they all went to bed late, I went back downstairs to help Alfred.

" Ms Perseus?" Alfred asked.

" Yeah?" I replied.

" Master Bruce is requesting your presence."

" Alright." I nodded then walked out of the kitchen to the office. Knocking softly on the door, " Mr. Wayne?"

" Come in." Slipping in trough the door way, I sit on the chairs facing the desk. The older man sat in front of me, with his hands interlocked. " I've asked you here to ask if you want to join the 'family business.' As some put it."

" Do you mean the basement stuff?" I asked.

" Yes. I think you would be a good asset to the team. You proved to me that you are able of taking care of yourself."

" I mean, I don't mind saving you every now and then, but I don't know if I want to go back into that life." It surprised me that he even wanted me to come back as a permanent hero. It almost excited me to be able to help people again, but what about the people I couldn't save. But would I save more people helping? Or staying out of it?

" I understand. Think it over, if you want." Bruce nodded at me and I mirrored him, " You can leave, I'm sure you have a lot of work to do."

Nodding, I stand up and walk out. Getting lost in my thoughts I went back to the kitchen. Do I really want to get back into fighting? And is it selfish to do what I want, instead of what the people need.

" Woah." Jason mumbled. He still looked a little sleepy with light purple bags under his eyes, " You alright?"

" Yeah." I nodded. Biting the inside of my lip, I could feel his hand on my back. His big hand steadied me since I had ran into him.

" What's on your mind?" His blue eyes looked into mine.

" Oh, nothing." I tried to smile. Then I pulled away and continued my way to the kitchen as I composed myself. For some reason my heart was beating a little fast and my face felt a little hot. Thankfully, Jason caught up to me after I had composed myself.

" I don't understand how you wake up this early. And then deal with me and the other two brats." Jason had his hands in his pajama pants and shook his looking at the ground.

" It's not that hard when you get a paycheck." I shrugged, trying to not look at the male.

" Is it worth it?" Jason asked.

" I mean, the whole world runs on money. So I guess. And you guys aren't that bad." I snuck a glance at Jason.

He laughed out loud, " You don't mean that."

" I mean, you guys are just misunderstood. And need a little bit extra love." I almost tripped on the stairs when I saw the way Jason was looking at me.

" You gonna show me a little bit of 'extra love?'" Jason was smirking, looking me up and down. Staring at him, I felt my face go red. " I'm kidding, Jackson."

" I-I know." I rolled my eyes. Trying to play it off, " It's just early in the morning."

Jason scoffed, rolled his eyes and went to the dinning room. I relaxed and huffed out a breath. After walking into the kitchen Alfred was there, " Ms Perseus, perfect. Just in time for breakfast."

" What?" My eyes widened, thinking of all the things I should have done to prepare.

" You're eating breakfast. We make you work long days, practically make you jump through hoops, the least we can do is feed you." Alfred grabbed my by the shoulders and pushed me into the dinning hall where everyone else was already seated. After the old man has stuffed me in the seat next to Tim, shot me a warning glare and filled up my cup with orange juice, he walked away to bring the food out. Damian sat at the other side of the table next to Jason, who was smirking at me.

I shouldn't have come back to the kitchen.

1235 words


Guess who got quarantined again? You guessed it. I didn't even make it through the first week of school, one hour before we let out I was called to the office. But guess who is officially a sophomore?

So, do you guys want Percy to be a full time hero? Not like a full time, but like a full time part time hero? Like everyone else? Cuz I think I'm gonna stick with her just Savin them when they get their stupid added caught.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe

The babysitter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora