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"You ready to go, Doll?" Jason asked, standing up. He offered me a hand and I took it. Slightly groaning at the pain in my ribs. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just a little sore." I smile.

"Bart got a few punches in and I think Cassie did as well." Tim informed.

"Hmh." Batman looked at me. "I'll have Agent A take a look when we get back."

"It's fine." I waved him off.

"Don't be stupid, Riptide" Damian rolled his eyes, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the tubes.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes and waved at Jason who was still standing by the couch.

When we appeared back in the bat-cave, Damian called out. "Pennyworth!"

"You need to be nicer to him." I scold.

"It's his job to serve us. I'm just fulfilling his purpose." Damian rolled his eyes.

I stopped and pulled my hand from his grip. "Damian Wayne! How dare you say that? Alfred is a hard working individual and without him you would have to do everything yourself. You sit up on this high and mighty horse but you have to have respect for other people. The way you treat people who you deem as 'beneath' you is completely unacceptable."

"I assure you, Miss Perseus, I have been treated worse." Alfred said as Damian stormed off.

"That's not far either." I sigh, hopping on the table.

"Now what did Master Damian need from me?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"She needs to be checked out. Got a few hits in training." Bruce said, slipping his cowl off and sitting in front of the computer.

"Alright." Alfred nodded and began checking my ribs.

Jason came up to me. "Where's the Demon?"

"Oh, I pissed him off." I rolled my eyes. "Called him out for treating Alfred poorly. But I feel like I went too far."

"Ah, he's fine. The brat got what was coming for him." Jason shrugged.

Alfred frowned and went to get something after telling me to stay here. "So, what's the diagnose, Doc?"

"I believe you have a fractured rib." Alfred glared at me lightly.

"But it doesn't feel like all the other broken ribs I've gotten." I tilt my head.

"This one is just a hairline fracture. Nothing to painful. The bruising seems to be a bit more severe. Now, would you like to go somewhere more private to wrap these?" Alfred came back with some ace bandages.

"I can keep my bra on, right?" I asked. Alfred nodded. "Nah, it's fine."

"Very well, then." Alfred nodded and with my help to expose my ribs.

Jason gawked at the bruises. "Holy shit. That looks painful."

I looked down to see dark blue and purple bruises in fist sized circles. I sighed. I was hoping to get training in with Dick before he left for Blüdhaven. Thankfully, he went back to his room so I could probably get away with it as long as Damian and Jason don't know about it. Speaking of Damian, I should probably go talk to him. Explain my outburst more. 

"Yes, I'm sure it is. Which is why I request that you stay in bed for the next couple of days and not train." Alfred said, starting to firmly wrap my ribs.

I groaned. Although I have worked training out of my schedule more and more over the past year, I had nothing else to do. And what's the say, distance only makes the heart grow fonder? Plus, I didn't have school work and stress talking up most of my schedule. "How did the mission go?"

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