Chapter 31 - Starlit Spectre

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Dusk had cloaked the world by the time Squad Anvi assembled round the back of the castle with their packs. They appeared oddly excited, and Levi wondered if they understood just what they were getting themselves into as they murmured amongst themselves in the shadows. When Armin arrived in a wagon, Levi expected Anya to explode on him. However, she merely shot him a sidelong glance and then went to greet the squad.
"Load your packs and mount up," he ordered.
He helped Anya climb into the wagon and, without uttering so much as a word to him, she took a seat on one of the two wooden benches and promptly pulled her dark hood up to obscure her moon-pale features. He sighed and got into the saddle, leading the little party out into the wilderness.
After an hour or so, they arrived at their new base. The cabin was old and rustic, but in relatively good condition structure-wise. However, regarding how clean it was, he made a mental note that he'd have to set the recruits to work as soon as possible. As they all dismounted, he paused and watched as Anya got up and carefully stepped down from the wagon. To his surprise, Jean helped her immediately. Anya had told him about how Jean had saved her during the recent invasion when she'd been falling, and he wondered if the brat's obvious crush on her had grown stronger as a result. He tsked and addressed them all.
"Conny, Jean; see to the horses. The rest of you will make the beds."
Sasha raised her hand, and he fought not to roll his eyes.
"Um... Will you and Captain Anya be in separate rooms, or should we make up just the one bed for you?" she asked, mischief glinting in her eyes.
He scowled whilst the others gasped at her audacity, but Anya soon came to the rescue.
"Just make the one bed up, Sasha. Less work for you then, right?" she said, smiling.
"Yes, Captain!"
Sasha grinned back and they hurried into the cabin, leaving him and Anya alone.
"Here we are, then," she said. "And without any incidents."
He arched an eyebrow.
"You're not going to hit me for making you ride in the wagon?"
"I'm not a fool," she said quietly. "I know when to fight, and when to take it easy."
He sighed.
"Yeah, I know."
She placed a hand on his arm.
"I recognise that you're looking out for me. It's nice. I missed it."
He stepped closer and kissed her until she pulled away, her eyes sparkling like the stars above.
"Careful, Captain. What on earth would our squad say about your unprofessional conduct?"
"I couldn't give a damn," he murmured. "Let's go inside. You need to rest."
"Hmm, I think you just want to torture yourself over how dirty the place is."



The cabin was full of dust and grime, and Anya smirked as Levi inspected the kitchen, a dour expression plaguing his features. When they entered their bedroom she didn't fail to notice the silence, nor the way Sasha, Eren, and Mikasa flinched, and she did her best not to laugh. It was clear that they'd been gossiping.
"You still haven't finished?" Levi asked.
"Um...not yet," said Eren. "Sorry, Captain!"
Levi strode out, muttering something about tea, while Anya stayed behind. She picked up a pillow and began pulling a case over it, stubbornly ignoring the immense pain that the simple movement caused.
"Um...Captain Anya," said Eren. "How do you feel?"
"It's just, you were so badly injured..."
"Everything still hurts, but I'm feeling better every day. How are you three doing?"
"I'm fine! Thank you for asking," said Sasha, bowing.
"Yeah, me too," said Eren. "Maybe a little tired."
"I'm okay," the black-haired girl replied. "Thank you."
"I heard you got squeezed pretty badly. Make sure you don't push yourself too hard."
"Yes, Captain."
Levi reappeared in the doorway, giving Anya a disapproving look when he noticed her helping.
"Hey. Tea's ready."
"All right. I'll be there in a minute."
He walked off again, and she finished the pillow she'd been covering.
"Here's a tip," she said, placing it down. "He likes hospital corners."
"Thank you, Captain!" said Eren.
She exited the room with a smile, leaving Eren, Mikasa and Sasha to pick up where they left off with their gossip.
"What's taking them so long?" Levi grumbled, handing her a cup of tea as she sat down in the closest armchair.
"They're just excited," she said. "Where are Historia and Armin?"
"Preparing the other rooms. They're going to have to do a hell of a good job cleaning this place. It's disgusting."
"I'm sure they'll be thrilled. I'll try and check in with each of them in the next few days to gauge how they're doing."
"Good idea; they could do with that. Don't you forget to take it easy, though."
Jean and Conny came in carrying everyone's packs, and she watched as Levi studied them both.
"We're going to need a watch," he told them. "Volunteers?"
"I'll do it," Jean said, at the same time as Conny.
"Jean; you cover it for the first four hours, then wake Conny up to swap."
"Yes, Captain!"
"You'll need a gun. Both of you come with me."
Anya hid another smile as Levi lead them to another room. As long as no more of them turned out to be Titan shifters, she was convinced they had an excellent squad with a lot of potential.

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