Chapter 48 - Choices

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Erwin waited until Anastasya rode up beside him before leading the formation back to the walls.
"How are your injuries?" he asked.
"Not good," she said, choking back a cough. "I think I deserve a pay rise and a long holiday after this, Commander. We all do."
He frowned. He wanted nothing more than to be able to tell her to rest and recover, but the truth was they were going to need all the help they could get in dealing with Rod Reiss' Titan, and even then their efforts might not be enough. He realised she was staring at him, something like anger in her eyes.
"What is it?"
"They beat you up pretty bad, huh?"
He'd had a chance to wash and treat his wounds, to shave his beard and comb his hair, but the swelling and bruising remained.
"I've had worse," he replied, mustering a smile, "like losing an arm, for example. Anyway, you should see what Zachary is doing to punish Aurille." He paused, pressing his lips together. "Actually, perhaps you shouldn't."
"He revealed to me that he's been waiting for the coup for years and it seems he used that time to devise a new torture device. He's currently got Aurille hanging upside down, naked except for his socks, and he's feeding him through a tube that..." He cleared his throat, thinking of how to phrase it. "He's put one end in his backside and the other in his mouth."
Anastasya's mouth fell open, her eyes round as plates. He regretted not having Moblit there to capture the moment.
"Wow. Th-that's... I was not expecting that. I always knew he hated them all but... wow."
"You did? I honestly had no idea."
She gave him a sly smile and a wink.
"Knowledge is power."
"You... spied on the Premier?"
"Every now and then. I mean, he is in charge of the whole military. Never saw him working on that contraption, though."
Erwin almost laughed, but Anastasya's smile flickered out.
"Hange told me that you declared her your successor."
"Have you changed your mind about doing it?"
"No, no, it's not that. It's what it implies. That there was a moment in which you thought you might not succeed and... well, be executed."
He remained silent for a while, searching for the words.
"I had some doubts," he admitted. "For one thing, I wasn't sure they'd give me an official sentence. That instead they'd simply send a messenger to my cell informing me I was to be hung, without an opportunity to set things in motion."
"I'm sorry I wasn't there," she said quietly. "To think I'd said goodbye so casually before all of this. I never once thought I might never see you again."
He arched an eyebrow.
"Are you forgetting the mortal danger that you've experienced in just two days?"
"I... suppose you have a point," she said. "It's different though, isn't it? I never think about what's going to happen to me; only to those I care about."
A loaded silence settled between them, punctuated by the pounding of their horses' hooves. However, Erwin knew they had to delve into it.
"You tortured Sannes."
Anastasya flinched and kept her gaze fixed on the path ahead.
"Yes. It was him, Erwin. He mentioned our fathers in the list of people he's tortured and killed over the years like they were just a number to him. I... I wanted to destroy him." She turned to look at him. "Levi had to stop me."
Hatred, grief, and anxiety shimmered in her eyes. Her revelation hardly came as a surprise; they'd both suspected Sannes for years but had had no way to prove it.
"The way to make him suffer the most isn't to kill him," Erwin replied. "It's to undermine everything he's done, to crush him with regret, by shining a light on the truth. That's how we get our revenge, Anastasya. You made the right choice in sparing him."
"I hope so." She released a heavy sigh. "No, I'm sure you're right. He wept like a baby when he realised he'd betrayed his beloved King. That in itself was quite satisfying. Showing him it was all for nothing... He'll rot from the inside out."
She glanced over to where the monstrous Titan was still steadily crawling across the land.
"So... What are we going to do?"
"I'm sure you have ideas," he said. "I'll tell you mine after you fill me in on what happened concerning Rod Reiss and Historia."



Hange felt like shit. She'd acted recklessly when fighting Traute Caven and it'd cost her. She was pretty sure she had concussion, but it didn't stop her from trying to figure out what the hell was going on. After Squad Anvi filled her in she began thinking aloud despite the pain in her head, just as Anya re-joined them.
"Let's put this all together," she said. "Basically, Rod Reiss was after the Founding Titan, which is the Titan power inside Eren. Eren's father took that power from the Reiss family after he transformed and ate Frieda Reiss and killed her siblings, presumably to stop them from taking it back. However, unless the Founding Titan is in someone with Reiss blood, you won't get its true potential. Having said that, even if a Reiss obtains the Founding Titan's power, they're controlled by the will of the First King and, therefore, they refuse to liberate humanity from the Titans." She paused and waited for her head to stop spinning. "Eh, well, isn't that interesting... According to the First King, this is true peace? That's a weird way to look at it."
"In other words, we still have an option," said Eren. "If that Titan eats me, Rod Reiss will return to a human. Which means it's still possible to have a true Founding Titan."
"You can't," said Mikasa.
"Seems that way," said Levi, ignoring her. "We could capture Rod Reiss once he becomes a human. Undo the First King's brainwashing. If we could do that, it might open a path to save humanity. Eren... are you saying you're fully prepared to let that happen?"
"I am," he said quietly.
"Eren, you can't..." Mikasa pleaded.
"Er, I can see more than one problem with this plan," said Anya, voicing Hange's own thoughts. "For one, Rod Reiss just had the perfect opportunity to eat Eren and yet he didn't. Why? We've also got no idea if what Reiss said is true, or if it's possible to reverse the brainwashing, or if he'd cooperate. We might sacrifice Eren for nothing and make things far worse."
Historia nodded.
"Captain Anastasya is right. There's no way to tell if we can undo the brainwashing. No matter how you restrain him, if he alters humanity's memories it's over. There're too many factors about the Founding Titan that we just don't know."
"True," said Armin. "Even if Rod Reiss eats Eren, we have no guarantee he'll return to normal."
"Mm," Historia agreed, sounding more like a leader with each word. "On the other hand, all we've ever known is destructive pacifists. But as it stands, the Founding Titan was taken from them. This is a once in a lifetime chance for humanity. Yes... Your father was trying to save us and humanity from the First King," she told Eren. "He stole the Founding Titan from my sister, murdered all of the Reiss children, because he had no other choice."
"Dad..." Eren murmured.
"That's right!" Armin chimed in. "The Doctor Jaeger I know wouldn't do something like that for no reason at all."
"Right," Mikasa agreed. "Even without Reiss blood, there must be a way to save humanity. That's why he left you the key to the basement."
"What basement?" asked Sasha, pausing to think. "Oh, that whole thing? You mean it's actually important?"
"Uh, yeah," said Jean, shaking his head. "We've finally got a way to plug up the wall. The way I see it, there's only one choice."
"That makes life a little easier," Levi remarked.
"If it means anything, I agree with that choice," said Hange, relieved and impressed with the recruits. "Though are you sure about this, Historia? We can't exactly have a Titan like that wandering around inside the walls. One that big, we can't restrain. Meaning... we'll have to kill your father, and there's no way around it."
Historia's eyes widened, and for a moment, the golden-haired girl watched her father's Titan.
"Eren... I'm sorry," she said.
"Underneath the Reiss chapel... I really considered becoming a Titan and killing you. What's more, not even to save humanity. Only because I wanted to believe my father. I didn't want my father to hate me... But now it's time to say goodbye."
The group settled into an uneasy silence and Hange allowed herself to shut her eyes, just until they reached the walls again.



Anya couldn't help but smile as Levi stroked his horse's nose. He loved the animals even more than she did and, despite their grave situation, he still cared for his mount. She strolled over just as a soldier arrived.
"Captains; please gather your squad in the hall. The strategy meeting is about to begin."
"All right," Levi replied, dropping his hand and glancing at Anya. "You okay?"
She nodded, and they walked towards their squad.
"Historia," said Levi. "Forgot to tell you. We need you to do something."
"Erwin's orders. When this battle is over, since you're the true successor to the throne... Become the Queen."
The squad gasped, and Anya hid a frown at Levi's blunt delivery.
"Q-Queen? Historia?" Sasha stammered.
"The coup d'état was successful," said Anya, "but the people won't follow a regiment sitting at the top. What we need is for a story to spread. That the true heir, hidden away, fighting for humanity, finally came and retook the crown from the imposter when it mattered most."
She was already spinning the PR story in her mind, and she didn't miss the sidelong glance from Levi.
"I..." Historia trailed off.
"Um, Captains?" asked Conny. "I'm sure you remember what Historia said earlier, but... Well uh... By leaving her father, I guess she finally broke free from that burden, I guess you could say... And yet again..." he stammered, a bead of sweat on his brow.
"What?" asked Levi. "If you have something to say, say it."
"I-in other words," Jean said, attempting to help, "Conny's trying to say... Historia broke free from the Reiss family and has finally found herself, and now you're forcing her into another role? Isn't that...? Isn't that not fair to her?!"
Anya was about to reply when Historia beat her to it.
"All right."
"My next duty is to be queen, right? Understood."
"Historia..." said Armin.
"Thanks for your concern, but whether or not it's forced on me is up to me to decide, I think. However, Captains... I do have one condition."
"Hmm?" asked Levi.
Historia lifted her head, eyes fierce with determination, and Anya felt a wave of pride.
"Since my fate is my own, I want to lay it all on the line. I want to fight."
Levi glanced at Anya, and she regarded Historia for a long moment. She herself had frequently declined to become a Section Commander and even the next Commander. It was a selfish choice, but she didn't want the responsibility. She desired her freedom, and she was afraid to lose control over her life. However, if there were no other alternatives, she would take up the mantle while doing everything in her power to ensure she'd still be able to fight alongside her loved ones. She recognised part of herself in Historia. The girl had been through so much beyond her control and she was determined to cling to a fragment of independence while doing what was best for others.
"All right," she agreed. "Go and get changed out of that ridiculous nightdress and meet us in the hall immediately. The Commander is waiting and time is of the essence."
"Yes, Captain!" Historia replied, saluting fiercely while trying to suppress a smile.
Anya saluted back, and then nodded to the rest of the squad.
"Let's get to the hall."
"Was that the wisest choice?" Levi murmured, as they followed on behind.
"Yes," Anya replied. "It's exactly what I'd have asked, too."
"Yeah, why doesn't that surprise me..."

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