Chapter 53 - The Red Dress

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"All right; enough is enough."
Anya sprung up from where she'd been sprawled on her bed, staring at the ceiling, and began to get changed. Almost three weeks had passed since the events in Orvud District, and she'd spent almost the entirety of that time resting and spiralling into an abyss of soul-draining boredom. Her ribs had made a strong recovery and the weight had gradually returned to her body, and she paused to appreciate her healthier, fuller-looking form in the mirror.
"Better," she muttered.
She turned to her wardrobe and selected a red, lace-up dress that showcased her figure, and then applied a lick of makeup to her face. She brushed her long, platinum hair and left it loose, save for a braid on the left. She'd determined that her hair was the only trait, save for the scars she'd obtained, that wasn't going to return to normal. Not one strand held the hint of her former rich, dark brown shade, and she had come to accept that it would forever be a snowy-white colour. She glanced at the clock on the shelf above the fireplace and tutted, before searching around for her shoes. As soon as she'd laced them up, she left the room and jogged down the stairs of Scouts HQ and out into the busy streets of Trost. She hailed a carriage and jumped inside, already formulating excuses for her lateness.
"Mitras," she told the driver. "As fast as possible."
She sat back and enjoyed the sun-kissed scenery, from the jade patchwork of fields to the emeraldine forests and regal mountains beyond. However, it wasn't long before the steady rumble of the carriage's wheels lulled her to sleep for the rest of the journey.


"Miss? We're in Mitras now."
Anya started awake and stretched, squinting out of the window.
"So we are. Thank you."
She paid the driver generously and stepped down from the carriage, sweeping her gaze over the vicinity. She made her way to the palace, enjoying the slack-jawed looks from the guards as she strode inside and all the way to Historia's private quarters. Her arrival was announced and she stepped into the plush living room, surprised to find Erwin there. He was wearing his uniform, and he seemed just as surprised to see her. In fact, it appeared as though he was struggling to remember how to speak. Historia, however, had been waiting. She ran forward, eyes alight with happiness, and hugged her.
"Captain Anya!"
"Hello, Your Majesty," she replied.
"You look amazing! Doesn't she, Commander?"
"She does," Erwin replied.
"What are you doing here?" Anya asked him.
He paused to clear his throat.
"I came to discuss Historia's future in the Scouts."
"I'm to be an honorary member," Historia said, though Anya, of course, already knew.
"Hmm. It's a good compromise, no?"
"It is," she agreed, nodding. "Would you like to stay for tea, Commander?"
"No, thank you. I- I should be going. There's a lot to do."
He saluted and dismissed himself, swiftly closing the door behind him. As soon as he was gone, Historia raised a hand to her mouth and giggled.
"What are you laughing about, hmm?"
"I've never seen Commander Erwin look so flustered before," she replied. "Let's sit."
They went over to a huge window and took seats on the two couches arranged there. Shortly after, a servant came in with tea and cakes, and Anya helped herself without restraint.
"Need to build up a bit more weight," she said by way of explanation.
Historia smiled.
"Please; don't hold back. I'm glad to see you looking so much better. You almost seem like a different person."
"I was so thin before that I thought I'd blow away if a Titan farted," she said, trying to keep a straight face. She failed terribly, and she and Historia almost cried with laughter.
"W-what is it you wanted to discuss with me?" Historia managed to ask.
Anya became serious once more, sitting forward in her seat.
"I have a proposal for you. I know how much you care about helping others and making our cramped little world a better place. So... How would you feel about opening an orphanage and getting the kids out of the  Underground?"
A glow seemed to radiate from Historia, her eyes shining with excitement.
"I was trying to think of ways I could help and that sounds ideal! We could find a big old building somewhere in the countryside. They could grow their own food and we could find a teacher for them and everything!"
"I know a place," she replied. "It's not too far from here, and it's plenty big enough. We'll have to renovate it, but the building itself is intact."
"Let's draw up a strategy."
They discussed the next steps in their plan for the new orphanage at length, with Anya agreeing to go to the Underground and gather up the orphans as soon as the renovations were complete. By the time they'd finished there were only a few hours until sunset. Anya got to her feet, yawning.
"I'd better get back to Trost. I'm leading a team to mine the glowing ore from the underground chapel tomorrow. We can use that in the orphanage, too."
"That's a great idea! Please tell Eren and the others I say hello."
"Of course. Look after yourself, alright? And if you need anything, you know where to find us."
Anya accepted a final hug and then left the palace and returned to Trost. She arrived at dusk, getting out of the carriage earlier than necessary so as to walk through the city and get a feel for how it and its residents were doing. She strolled along the canal, a small smile pulling at her lips as she reached the exact spot that Erwin had found her in after she'd fled her house more than twenty years ago. However, it was Levi who now found her there, sauntering towards her with his hands in his pockets.
"You look stunning," he said, stopping and running his eyes over her.
She did her best to hide the shiver of anticipation that his piercing, stormy-blue gaze induced.
"One has to look good when going to see the Queen."
"So that's where you've been all day. How is she?"
"Good. Eager to put her mark on the world."
"Did you talk to her about the orphanage?"
"I did. She's in full agreement."
"I knew she would be. Do you want to go somewhere for dinner?"
"I... Well, I spent the afternoon eating cake, actually," she admitted. "I've not much of an appetite."
Rather than roll his eyes, Levi took a step closer, his gaze intensifying.
"In that case, would you care to accompany me back to my room?"
A thrill raced through her and this time, she couldn't hide her shiver. Levi had been the perfect gentleman, giving her as much time to recover as she'd needed and never once pressing her for intimacy, but the tension between them had been rising and rising and now it was at a fever pitch. She nodded her answer, temporarily incapable of speech. A smug smile, one that she hadn't seen for over half a year, twisted his lips, and he leant forward and kissed her. His touch sparked a roaring fire within and as soon as she was able, she grabbed his hand and marched him all the way to HQ. Nearly as soon as they'd entered the building Jean came over, his eyes popping from his head. He visibly shook himself and saluted, just as Eren joined him.
"Captain Anya. Captain Levi. I- I wondered if there was time to discuss training," Jean stammered, noticeably avoiding eye contact with Anya.
"It can wait," Levi said curtly.
"Yes, we've currently got something hugely important and very much overdue to attend to right this minute," Anya added, stifling a giggle.
"We'll discuss training tomorrow," Levi added.
He then placed his hand in the small of Anya's back and urged her forward, past the stunned and rapidly reddening faces of Jean and Eren. Once inside Levi's room, Anya burst out laughing. Levi smirked and locked the door, and her giggles were abruptly cut off when his mouth met hers again with a renewed urgency. He undid the dress she was wearing with incredibly nimble fingers, letting it fall to the floor in a ruby heap. She stepped away from it and pulled down her underwear before removing Levi's shirt. They paused to drink each other in, but neither could resist for long. Anya took the few paces that separated them and ran her hands over Levi's lean, muscled torso, their lips crashing together and their tongues resuming their previous dance. However, Levi soon ended the dance and directed his tongue elsewhere. As he slowly made his way down Anya's body, she tilted her head back and moaned. Having been starved of intimacy for over six months, the smallest touch sent explosions through her. She was on the verge of being overwhelmed by the sensations fizzing across and within her body, and made as if to kneel to offer Levi the same pleasure. Instead he stopped her and took her by the elbow, leading her over to the bed.
"That can wait," he growled. "I need you. Now."
Her stomach fluttered at the rasp in his voice and the intensity in his eyes. She laid back, basking in the warmth he'd already teased out of her. She shut her eyes and felt as the mattress dipped, her heart thundering in her chest. Levi lavished yet more attention upon her, his lips searing every inch of skin, until at last they came together for the first time since before Anya had returned. She let herself get swept away by wave after wave of mounting pleasure, losing track of all time and of everything else in the world save for her and Levi's tangled bodies. As one, they carried each other over the precipice and plummeted into bliss-filled oblivion. She felt Levi clamp a hand over her mouth, stifling her cries, while his own breath caught in his throat as their pleasure erupted. They lingered in the divine moment for as long as possible, and then Levi placed a kiss upon her damp forehead and shifted to lie beside her.
"God, I'd forgotten how good we are," she panted.
Equally as breathless, he shot her a sideways glance.
"I hadn't."
A thought occurred to her, though she was almost too ashamed and afraid to voice it.
"Levi... Did you... Did you see anyone while I was gone? If you did, even if it didn't mean anything, I want to know. And I won't judge you because, well, everyone thought I was dead and-"
He propped himself up on his elbow and placed a finger on her lips.
"No. Anya, I was still mourning you when you came back."
She saw the pain the memory caused him and reached up to caress the side of his face.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." He entwined his fingers with hers. "There will never be anyone else, Anya."
She responded by reaching and initiating round two.

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