Chapter 37 - Shadows and Sorrow

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Only a faint murmur of disquiet ran through the city in the aftermath of the fight between the Scouts and Kenny and his squad. The bodies had been removed and the blood washed away as quickly and discretely as possible. The sole indicators that there had been any violence at all were the cracks in the buildings from ODM gear and the patches of paving that were cleaner than the rest of the ground. As Anya stood studying one with narrowed eyes, she processed the information she'd gathered while making her way across Trost to Commander Pyxis. It appeared that their clash with Kenny and his squad had gone largely unnoticed. However those that had witnessed it seemed to believe that the Scouts were somehow responsible, and she'd heard Levi's name mentioned more than once. Trouble was brewing, fuelled by the quick-spreading poison of gossip, and she knew she had to hurry. She adjusted her hood and slinked away, eventually arriving at Garrison headquarters. Two recruits stood by the entrance, though she didn't recognise either.
"I need to see Commander Pyxis immediately."
It was clear that they didn't know who she was or her ranking, and she sighed. She supposed it was to be expected, considering she'd been away for so long.
"It's Captain Morozova," she said wearily, struggling to focus her vision.
Upon hearing her name, the recruits scrambled to take her to Pyxis, who was sitting at his desk. She lowered her hood and collapsed into the closest chair, hacking up her lungs. Pyxis poured her a cup of water, and she gratefully accepted, gulping down the cool liquid as best she could. When she'd drained it, she gasped and placed it back on the desk before weakly saluting.
"My apologies," she said. "It's been a difficult morning."
"It looks it," he replied. "I've been informed of a fight across the city. What happened?"
"Familiar with Kenny the Ripper?"
"The mass murderer from the Underground?"
"Mm. He's working for the Military Police now. We were ambushed."
As Anya told him all that had transpired, he sat back and folded his arms, the creases upon his weathered face suddenly that much deeper.
"That boy gets himself kidnapped an awful lot. Tell me what you need."
"He does, doesn't he? Commander, may I borrow some parchment and a quill to write to Erwin?"
"Of course," he said, standing up and fetching what she'd asked for. "I hope you won't be offended, but I'd like for one of our doctors to check you over."
She looked up, surprised.
"Erwin and I are friends. I know he'd never forgive me if I let you go without making sure that you weren't about to drop dead in the middle of the city, because with all due respect, I've seen you look better."
She smacked her lips.
"Fine. But first, the letter."
Pyxis bowed his head and left her to write in peace. She wrote in the cypher that only she and Erwin knew, having devised it for fun when they'd been children.


I hope those bastards are treating you well. I'm sorry that I can't be there right now. We'll make them pay, sooner or later.

Unfortunately, I don't write with good news. Levi and I attempted to relocate our squad to Commander Pyxis earlier this morning. We employed a decoy strategy, which seemed to work at first; we have successfully captured four would-be kidnappers. However, the enemy anticipated our plan and ambushed us. We were outnumbered and three of Hange's squad were murdered in a desperate battle around the city. At the last moment, we lost Eren and Historia. Squad Anvi is shaken, but no-one is seriously injured. I've slipped away to Pyxis, hoping to rendezvous with Hange, but just in case, I hope this letter provides enough information. You have the final say, but... I trust Pyxis to do as we need when the time comes, which I'm beginning to think is approaching rapidly.

When I return to Levi, he and I will see what we can glean from our hostages and move from there, with the obvious aim of retrieving Eren and Historia.

I know you'll be worrying about me, so please try not to.

Look after yourself, and I'll see you soon.

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