Chapter 44 - Coup d'état

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Erwin looked up when he heard numerous pairs of boots stomping along the corridor, growing steadily closer. It appeared as though his time had come. Four guards stopped outside of his cell, jeering at him through the bars as though he were nothing more than a beast in a cage. The tallest one, a middle-aged man, produced a key and first unlocked the door before sauntering over and releasing his terribly numb arm, which dropped like a stone to his side. The man then  stepped back to allow two of the other soldiers to haul Erwin upright, not allowing him the opportunity to so much as try and restore the circulation to his weary body.
"Time for your audience with the King," a rather fat, blonde-haired soldier told him as he shoved him out of the cell.
Erwin stumbled but said nothing. He kept his eyes forward for the entire walk to the throne room, and continued to do so even when he arrived before the King and was forced to kneel. At least the plush, red carpet was considerably easier on the knees than the stone floor of his cell had been. He was aware of the King's four closest advisors leering down at him from where they lounged in their chairs. They were all men, and all nobility. As he'd suspected, it was clear to anyone with half a brain that they were the real ones in charge. The King himself failed to acknowledge him at all, and Erwin wasn't even sure he was awake.
"Any final words before your sentencing?" one of them asked.
At last, he looked up, allowing his eyes to bore into theirs. He could not fail. Too much and too many depended on him and his plan, Anastasya and Levi included.
"If humanity loses the Scout Regiment, it means humanity loses its spear," he said, keeping his voice steady and low. "When enemies close in you guard not with a shield, but with a spear that eliminates the threat. Suppose now, if in this instant, Wall Rose were to be breached... The residents of Wall Rose would once again flee and take refuge in Wall Sina. However the previous evacuation left stockpiles to last no more than a few days at best. In the blink of an eye, most of the residents would be forced to fight for survival. Wall Rose and Wall Sina... Humanity would be split into two factions and civil war would erupt. Even if the wall were not breached again, Wall Rose is continually suffering a food shortage. It may not be Titans that breach Wall Sina... There's a chance that the residents of Wall Rose do it first."
He heard the uneasy murmurings from among the small crowd of Military Police behind him. The seeds were taking root, just as planned. He pushed on, making sure he didn't so much as look at Nile or Pyxis, both of whom had arrived to stand nearby.
"Retake Wall Maria," he urged. "If humanity is to ever hope for a future, that is the only way."
"Are you implying that the Scouts are needed for such a cause?" asked Aurille, full of disdain.
He was a fat, toad-like man and unfortunately, the most vocal of the King's advisors. Erwin directed his gaze at him.
"Our duty as Scouts has always been to charge forth at the enemy. Cowering away will not solve anything. Or could it be... that you have some sort of secret plan to overcome this ordeal?"
The nobles shot uneasy glances at one another. He had touched a nerve. Aurille sighed, waving a dismissive hand in the air.
"Erwin, I don't think you understand. The reason you're here today is not to discuss our future within the walls, nor is it because of something as simple as murder. Clause Six, Charter of Humanity. 'Thou shalt not prioritise one's own gain over the longevity of humanity'. You're here for this grave offence."
The man next to Aurille, Gerald, chimed in.
"Indeed. You've refused to hand over Eren Jaeger multiple times. In doing so, you've violated the Charter."
"But Eren is vital for reclaiming Wall Maria!" Erwin replied.
"That is not for the Scouts to decide!" said the nobleman closest to his left. "Eren Jaeger is a Titan whose powers are not understood. Sheltering him within the walls is a risk to humanity! It's absurd for a single commander to have control of him alone."
"And yet, you stubbornly persisted in some plan of yours," said Aurille. "Not only did you feign his abduction and then conceal Eren Jaeger, but you silenced Dimo Reeves, since he knew of your plans. What you have done is clearly treason."
"It is not a stretch to say that you are the threat to humanity," the final nobleman said.
Erwin bit his tongue and did his best not to scowl at their obtuseness. If Levi were there, he'd have hurled all sorts of insults at them by now.
"Commander Pyxis," said Gerald.
"The Garrison and Scout Regiments both risk their lives on the front lines. How are we to know that you're not his comrade?"
"I'm quite disturbed that you believe we'd align ourselves with the Scouts," Pyxis replied smoothly. "Nothing is more senseless than humans killing humans. In this cramped world that we humans have, one spark will engulf all in no time. When it came time to defend Trost District, that's what I told my soldiers before sending many to their deaths. If the Scout Regiment is that one spark, then it should be smothered at once. After all, if the Titans do manage to break the wall and find hardly anyone left inside... Those poor Titans might go hungry."
Gerald barked a laugh and swiftly covered his mouth.
"Very well. Allow us to discuss."
The nobles clustered together around the King, who said not a word. After less than five minutes, Aurille bowed and turned to address Erwin.
"In the name of the King, I will announce your judgement. Erwin Smith. For violating Clause Six of the Charter of Humanity, you are sentenced to death. Your execution will be carried out immediately."
Even though he had known what the verdict would more than likely be, the words still made his gut churn and his heart race. However, the fight was not yet over. As one of the Military Police helped him to stand, he heard the hurried footsteps beyond the door and allowed himself the smallest of smiles. Seconds later, both doors to the room slammed open, and a young woman from the Garrison Regiment stood panting on the threshold. She was a good actress; he'd give her that.
"Wall Rose... has been breached!" she cried, saluting. "The Colossal Titan appeared out of nowhere! Along with the Armoured Titan, they broke through both gates of Calaneth District! Currently, refugees from the East are flocking here for safety!"
"Establish a route for the evacuees!" Pyxis commanded, without missing a beat. "Have all Garrison troops converge and defend the East. Get the evacuees safely to Wall Sina! Everyone, hurry! Saving the evacuees is our top priority!"
His soldiers saluted.
"No!" yelled Aurille, his eyes wide with terror.
"Hmm?" asked Pyxis.
"Close up all of the gates to Wall Sina! Don't let a single refugee inside!"
"Huh?" asked Nile. "B-But... that's all the Wall Rose residents... Your command is to sit back and watch as half of humanity dies?!"
"It's just like he said earlier!" Aurille shouted, jabbing a finger at Erwin. "That's asking for civil war! We can't let the government lose control. If that happens, it's over!"
"B-But that's only a mere possibility!"
"It's more than enough just for that possibility to exist! Our authority is and always will be absolute! Now, get moving!"
The woman from the Garrison Regiment sprinted off at a nod from Pyxis, whilst the nobles whispered among themselves.
"Let's do it!" said one of the MP soldiers. "Close the gates!"
"Wait!" Nile snapped, throwing out an arm.
Erwin was pleased to see that his old friend wasn't as spineless as he appeared. The Military Police hadn't completely eclipsed his morals.
"It'll be too late if we wait!" the soldier protested.
"What are you doing? Hurry it up!" Aurille cried. "It'll be treason if you don't!"
"I will not," Nile replied, eyes screwed shut as he mustered the courage to defy the government.
" a human of Wall Rose! I will not allow the gates to be closed!" he declared, opening his eyes again.
"You fool!"
"I will stand behind him."
Everyone, save for Erwin, turned to look as the formidable Premier of the Three Regiments, Dhalis Zachary, strode into the room. He was a bulky man in his mid to late fifties, and he was quite an imposing presence. Accompanying him were over twenty soldiers, all armed with rifles.
"Dhalis Zachary..." someone murmured.
"Are you surprised at all by their reaction, Premier Zachary?" asked Pyxis.
Zachary pushed his glasses up his nose.
"No... Not a bit."
"Zachary, what is the meaning of this?" demanded Gerald.
"That report just now was a false alarm. Rest assured; at the moment, there has been no report of a Titan attack."
"You bastards!" cried Aurille. "What is this farce?!"
"If you want the mastermind, it's me," said Pyxis.
"Pyxis?!" Nile exclaimed, looking between him and Erwin.
"It seems most of the Interior Police are off somewhere or other. I suppose that's quite fortunate."
"What do you mean?!" asked Aurille, becoming truly desperate.
Pyxis strode back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back. Erwin had nothing but respect for the Garrison Commander, and he found himself unable to look away as he continued his speech.
"Earlier, I declared to you that the Garrison Regiment isn't aligned with the Scout Regiment. But I did forget to mention one thing. I'm not aligned with any of you, either. While I do possess some of the same feelings as Erwin here, I considered leaving things up to your government, if that were the better choice for the sake of humanity. You are, after all, much wiser than us when it comes to Titans and the Walls..." A smirk passed across his weathered face. "Supposing you actually cared about saving as many people as possible, I would have been fine sending Erwin to the gallows. Of course, depending on your decision, all of us were prepared to forfeit our heads. However, the answer you've given us is very clear. We may be ignorant about the Titans and their powers, but... I daresay we, in our ignorance, can save far more people than you ever could."
"Y-you're a fool!" said Aurille, shaking his fist. "What do you think undermining us will accomplish? The citizens will never listen to you; they'll obey whatever the crown says! The regional lords will have none of this!"
"It seems you don't quite understand," said Pyxis, voice suddenly cold. He came to a halt, staring each of the nobles down. "This is no mere threat. This is a coup d'état."
The Garrison soldier that had announced the fake breach ran back in and saluted Zachary.
"We've successfully restrained the Interior Police!"
"Mm," Zachary mused. "The thing with soldiers is that they'll obey their superior officer over their king."
"Especially when the king in question is a fraud," Pyxis added. "We will put in place a new ruler of our own."
"It can't be... They're actually..." stammered Aurille, sweating like a pig. "Don't even think you can get away with this hoax!"
Erwin decided it was finally time to speak again.
"If that disaster had in fact happened..." he said, "the decision that all of you made violates Clause Six of the Charter of Humanity. Furthermore, is installing a fake king to personally control and run the government not punishable by death?"
Aurille turned and kicked the King's throne, finally rousing him.
"Shit! Wake up, dotard!"
"What? Time to eat?" the King mumbled.
"Shut up, you useless oaf!"
The soldiers moved in to take them all away, while Nile and one of his men removed Erwin's restraints.
"Erwin," said Nile. "This is your victory. Aren't you happy?"
"Nile... Humanity has just begun down a new path. One far more dangerous than before," he said.
Despite his solemn words, he was cautiously celebrating his victory, not just for himself, but for Anastasya, Levi, and everyone else who sought and deserved the truth. It appeared that he would live to see another day.

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