Chapter 54 - Gut Feeling

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"What do you think?"
Anya ran her tongue between her lip and upper teeth as she watched the latest Scout recruits flit through the trees above. She could feel Erwin's keen gaze upon her, silently pressing for an answer, and she sighed.
"They're not ready. Four or five in this group show potential and might be able to hold their own for a little while but, beyond that..."
"They have to be ready. What about the other groups?"
"Better, but still easy pickings. They just don't have the same stamina that we do. God knows what they'll be like when faced with a real Titan. I can bet my own life that some will freeze up completely."
"There's still time," said Erwin, walking over to his horse.
Anya followed and got into the saddle.
"Not much."
It had been just over three months since Historia's coronation and after a period of rest, everyone had been extremely busy. Teams had been mining the glowing ore in the chapel, Hange had been conducting experiments into Eren's hardening ability, and Anya had used the tailwind of the Scouts' success in Orvud District to raise their profile and recruit more soldiers than ever before, overseeing their training with Erwin. In addition, the orphanage for the children of the Underground had been planned, renovated, and opened, and numerous strategy meetings about how to retake Wall Maria had been held. Anya stifled a yawn and glanced at Erwin.
"Are you coming back to Trost?"
"Not tonight," he replied. "I have to meet Zachary in Mitras."
She pulled a face.
"Anything I should know about?"
"Nothing new or interesting. He wants a progress report."
She flinched and shot him a guilty look.
"Crap... I need to write mine tonight."
"It can wait a few more days. Don't stress."
Anya couldn't help but huff and roll her eyes when she saw the concern on Erwin's face.
"I'm fine, Erwin."
"Are you getting enough sleep?"
"More or less..."
"Levi told me you're still having nightmares."
"I'd be more worried about anyone in the Scouts who doesn't have them."
"I'm all right. Really," she said. "It's good to be busy."
Erwin looked as though he wanted to protest, but appeared to think better of it.
"All right. I'll see you tomorrow," he said.
"Yeah. Say hello to Zachary for me."
They parted ways and Anya arrived back in Trost just as dusk was spreading over the city. She would've liked to have taken a walk by the canal, but she went straight to her room and began working on the latest report. She was determined to ensure that when the time came, their mission to retake Wall Maria would be a success and she wouldn't have the blood of all those she'd recruited on her hands, their ghosts haunting her dreams. So it was that she was still sitting at her desk an hour later when Levi came in. She spared him a glance and then cast her eyes back to the parchment.
He walked over and kissed her on the top of her head.
"Report writing again?"
"Mm. Did the 'Executioner from Hell' work?"
Levi sighed and took a seat in the armchair beside the desk.
"Did you call it that, or was it Hange's idea?"
"Hange's, of course. So?"
"It worked."
"Good. I'll have to go and see it in action."
Eren had used his hardening ability to create a multi-pronged trap located where one of Trost's gates used to be. The idea was that a soldier would stand in the trap, luring a Titan in until it was impaled by the sharp points of Titan skin. At that moment, a huge, reinforced log was released from above, smashing straight into the Titan's neck and thus killing it instantly. It meant that not only was Trost better defended, but the risk to human life was greatly reduced.
"Eren's been doing too much lately."
Anya looked up upon hearing the doubt in Levi's voice.
"What happened?"
"He became faint while we were watching the trap in action and then had a pretty bad nosebleed."
She frowned.
"He needs a few days to rest, then. I'll have a word with Hange."
"Already done. Are you going with Conny to his village tomorrow?"
"Yes. I'm taking a few of the newbies, too."
"I might tag along, if there's nothing else to do."
She smiled, at last abandoning her report and giving Levi her full attention as she went over to sit on his lap.
"There's always something to do."
"Oh?" he asked, encircling her waist and looking up at her through half-closed lids.
"Mm, I can think of something right now, actually. I'm afraid I'm going to need your expertise, though."
"I'd be happy to assist..."
Anya leant down and kissed him, desperate for a reprieve from report writing and a way to escape the inexplicable, creeping dread she felt each time she thought about the retaking of Wall Maria.

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