Chapter 40 - Lost and Found

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Anya fiddled with her necklace whilst gazing up at the moon, still wandering through her memories. At the end of the black leather thong hung a violet-blue amethyst gilded with gold. Erwin had given the jewel to her for her 8th birthday. They'd been firm friends ever since the fateful day her father had been murdered, and she'd been there for him when, just a year or so later, Erwin's own father had been found dead and mutilated in a field. She knew, now, that Sannes was the one who'd destroyed their childhoods and torn their families apart, and she wanted nothing more than to make him suffer. She jumped when she felt someone touch her shoulder, relaxing when she realised it was Levi.
"Hey," he said, lowering his hand. "The plan worked. Sannes cracked and told us that the Reiss family is the true royal family. Looks like Historia's the future queen."
Anya continued looking up at the moon, processing the latest revelation.
"I see. So she'll be wherever Rod Reiss is."
She thought back to the first night in the cabin with their squad, when Historia had told them all her tragic story of a mother who refused to acknowledge her existence and who wished she'd never been born. In the end, her mother had been murdered by the Military Police and Historia had almost suffered the same fate. However, Rod Reiss had defied the MP and come up with an alternative; to give her a false identity. For whatever reason, he'd wanted to protect her.
"What I don't understand is if he wanted to protect her all those years ago, assuming he wants to do the same now, why hasn't he just asked us to co-operate?"
Levi shrugged.
"Perhaps he thinks we support the false King. Didn't want to take the risk."
"That, or he's using her for something."
Levi turned her to face him, searching her gaze.
"Anya. What happened back there?"
"It was him," she said quietly. "He killed my father. He tortured my mother. And he killed Erwin's father, too. Levi, I want to rip his heart out and watch him burn."
To her shock, her voice wavered with hatred and yet she couldn't stop how she felt. Levi's eyes widened, and he took her face between his hands.
"This isn't you. You can't kill him like this, in cold blood. You know that, don't you?"
She clenched her jaw, and she saw the flicker of uncertainty on his face. It was enough to bring her back.
"Yes," she whispered. "I'm sorry."
"It's all right, Anya. Just don't lose sight of who you are in all of this. Don't sink to their level."
She nodded, and he kissed her before stepping back.
"We have to go inside. Hange has bad news."
"More? How is it possible?" She sighed. "What about Sannes and Ralph?"
"They're in the same cell now. We'll figure something out later."
They returned to the others just as Armin spoke up.
"Eren will be eaten?!"
She narrowed her eyes and glanced at Levi questioningly. He nodded back, his expression grim.
"Yeah," said Hange. "Eren remembered a conversation that went like this..."
Hange relayed what Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt had discussed the last time Eren had been kidnapped, and it certainly wasn't good news.
"Speculating based on that," Hange continued, "Ymir was a Titan wandering alone outside the walls. Bertholdt, Reiner and Annie had a comrade that she ate. When a Titan eats someone, they don't change back into a human, but what if a Titan eats one of Reiner's comrades, humans who can transform into Titans? In other words, if a Titan eats someone with that power, they revert back into a human, and they also obtain the power of those they eat. In the last battle, Reiner resorted to throwing Titans at Eren, who we now know has the ability to control them with his scream. I bet Reiner was trying to snatch Eren's power away, which means Eren's just a vessel who's bound to be replaced. If the government controls a Titan of their own, they'll be the one to eat Eren and take his power."
Mikasa shoved off from the wall and made for the door, but Levi grabbed her arm.
"Calm down," he ordered. "Even if you go on a rampage, they're not going to give Eren back to us. We head for the lands of this 'Rod Reiss'. Get ready to leave at once."
"Yes, Sir!"
The recruits filtered out of the room, leaving Anya, Levi, Hange and Moblit alone.
"Are we sure the government knows about what Eren can do?" Anya wondered. "Reiner was trying to take him away from the walls, not towards Mitras. Although... What if there are two opposing forces? An enemy beyond the walls, and one within? Perhaps the enemy beyond can control Titans, and the walls were built by the other side to try and keep them away, sandwiching us in the middle. Except now that Reiner and the others can decimate the walls, they're no longer enough. God..."
"It's a terrifying thought, isn't it?" Hange asked. "I'm going to go and tell Erwin what we learned about the Reiss family. I'm sure he's waiting to hear from us."
"Right," said Levi. "We can meet up on Reiss' land. Wait to hear from us at the usual spot."
Levi went to get their things ready and Moblit went outside to help the recruits, leaving Anya with Hange.
"Anya... Back there... I've never seen you like that before," Hange admitted quietly.
"I'm sorry."
"No, don't apologise. I should apologise... I got carried away, despite Erwin telling me to make sure you didn't go too far."
"He said that?"
"Mm. I don't know how he knew, but he said I'd need to watch you. To not let you lose yourself."
Anya looked down at the floor, scuffing it with her boot.
"You remember what happened to my father?" she asked.
"I've realised, tonight, that Sannes did it."
Hange clenched her fists, her eyes suddenly ablaze.
"That bastard... I'm going to go-"
"Don't," Anya said, looking up. "He's not worth the trouble."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, as okay as everyone else I guess."
"I'd better go and give Erwin the update."
"Tell him I agree."
"Huh?" Hange asked, tipping her head to one side.
"With what he's planning."
"He'll tell you when he thinks it's right."

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