Chapter 72 - A Convincing Argument

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Levi's mouth had dropped open as he'd watched Anya address them all, and he hadn't been the only one. Everyone in the room had been captivated by the power and passion in each and every word that had seemed to flow so easily from her dark-painted lips. Her white hair had shimmered with each careful movement, and her eyes were fire. He could barely believe she was the same woman that'd been so grief-stricken and devastated just days ago, hardly able to mutter a syllable let alone deliver such an eloquent and rousing speech. He fought the urge to kiss her as she calmly retook her seat.
"Our the world. But if we announce this to the public, the walls will crumble into chaos," one of the Military Police said, his voice shaking as he broke the silence in the room.
"That's right. We still haven't fully grasped the magnitude of this situation," another soldier agreed.
"Then will we deceive the people again?" Pyxis asked as he stood, nodding to Anya as he did so. "You wish to follow the lead of King Reiss and ensure the people of the walls stay domesticated and ignorant? If so, then by what ideals did we rise to take the crown from him?"
"Let's announce it," said Historia. "After all, we're just returning the memories King Reiss stole back to the people a century later. As people of the walls, we all share the same fate. We must unite as one and bring our entire strength together. Captain Anastasya has expressed how important this is, and I wholeheartedly agree with her. If we are to defeat our enemy, we must not keep the people in ignorance!"
Historia and Anya exchanged a look that Levi couldn't begin to interpret. As the meeting came to a close, it was decided that Hange and Jean would be tasked with getting the truth to the press for printing that evening, ensuring that the news would be public knowledge by the following morning. Before anyone could approach her, Anya shot from the room. Levi sighed and went to find her, trusting that the brats would stay out of trouble in the meantime.
Half an hour later, he spotted Anya emerging into the corridor up ahead.
"There you are," he said. "What were you doing?"
"Checking up on Sasha," she replied.
"You need to talk to Eren, Armin and Mikasa."
Anya glanced away.
"I will."
He wouldn't push her. Yet.
"Good. That was some speech you gave."
"I hope it was enough."
"It was, believe me. What now?"
"I'm going to start strategizing."
He arched a brow.
"Mm. Oh, and I think we should go to Mitras tonight."
He narrowed his eyes. Anya hated the capital and only went there when absolutely necessary.
"It's important we're there to see how people react to the news. It'll help me decide the angle of future publicity."
She breezed past him and headed for their room, where she shrugged off her coat and began fetching writing supplies. Levi grabbed hold of her, making her look at him.
"You should take a few more days."
"There's no time," she replied. "I-"
"You're all over the place," he interrupted, not giving a damn about how blunt he sounded. "I told you that you only have to pretend you're fine. That speech you gave back there might've convinced everyone else, but you haven't recovered yet. If you push yourself too hard, too fast, you never will."
She huffed out her frustration.
"Hange needs my help, and this is what I do best. I'm not just going to let her do everything while I... while I sit around moping."
"Grieving isn't moping, and I'm not saying don't do anything. I'm saying to take it easy. It wasn't long ago that you were talking about quitting the Scouts and now suddenly you want to start planning a war."
"I need to stay busy," she whispered. "Or else the pain,'s too much."
She stepped out of his grasp, her sudden vulnerability disappearing as quickly as it had come as her mask snapped back down.
"This is what I do," she said. "Are you going to help me or not?"



The streets of Stohess District were bubbling in the wake of last night's news. Anya had convinced Levi to accompany her to Mitras the previous evening, before travelling to Stohess to meet with Hange and the journalists the next morning. Anya wove her way through the crowds, listening to the citizens as they reacted to the strange new reality they found themselves in. There was a lot of confusion, closely accompanied by fear and suspicion, and some were dismissing the news entirely, either joking about it or claiming it was all a big military conspiracy. Overall, though, the majority of people seemed grateful. Although the situation seemed dire, the seeds of hope had been sown. Hope that, now they knew whom they were up against, they would one day be able to break free from the cramped world inside the walls and escape the looming terror of the Titans. Satisfied, Anya had decided to head back to Berg Newspapers when she overheard the conversation of two wealthy-looking men.
"-more shocking is the fact that the Scout Regiment actually did something useful," the man wearing a hat remarked.
Anya stopped just behind them, pretending to retie her bootlaces.
"Yes, but I doubt they're going to last much longer. There's only about ten of them left, and who's going to want to join up now, much less fund them?" the other man asked, closing the newspaper he was holding. "The best commander they've ever had is dead and that mad woman Hange Zoe is in charge. Captain Ackerman scares most people more than the blasted Titans do and Captain Morozova...well, she might be able to recruit a few naive souls and secure some donations, but she'll have to have one hell of a convincing argument."
"I can think of a few ways she might convince me to get on board," the man in the hat chuckled.
"I daresay you've got a generous donation or two you'd like to give her," the other laughed.
"Just don't tell my wife!"
Anya scowled as she struggled to contain her fury. She had three choices; do nothing, kick the shit out of them, or...
"Gentlemen, did I just hear you correctly?" she asked, straightening up and clapping her hands on each of the men's shoulders.
She flashed the curious passersby her most devastating smile and raised her voice to attract more attention.
"Everyone!" she called. "These two kind, upstanding citizens have just been discussing the future of the Scout Regiment, and if I'm not mistaken they've just said they've got some very generous donations to give me!"
Her smile grew brighter as the men squirmed, a bead of sweat rolling down the man with the hat's rapidly reddening face. A few people in the crowd clapped.
"I-I..." he stammered.
"Oh, please don't be shy! I completely understand that not everyone believes in what we do and in the truth of the freedom we can finally see on the horizon, but I applaud you for your brave and selfless help, and I promise I won't tell your wives."
A few people laughed before an awkward silence threatened to devour the men's pride as the crowd waited for them to respond. The man without the hat sighed and pulled out his wallet. The crowd cheered, and he passed Anya a wad of notes.
"Thank you so much," she said, before turning to the man in the hat. "And you, Sir? I believe it was you who even had some suggestions as to how I can convince more people to join! Perhaps you could come and share them with everyone at our next public forum?"
"N-no thank you," he said. "Will this do?"
He handed her his entire wallet, a pleading look in his eyes. Anya had to suppress her laughter.
"This is wonderful! The Scouts are incredibly grateful for your donations today, and look forward to your support in the future! If anyone else would like to give to the regiment so that we can continue to protect everyone, often at the cost of our own lives, please send a cheque to our HQ in Trost and address it to Captain Anastasya Morozova."
She winked at the two men and sauntered over to the Berg Newspapers building, disappearing into its dark interior. Once inside, she released a deep breath and made her way upstairs to where Levi, Hange and the two journalists, Roy and Peaure, were discussing the public's reaction.
"You're back," said Hange.
"Mm," she replied, walking to stand next to where Levi lingered by the window.
"What the hell was that just now?" he murmured.
"Ah, you saw that? I overheard two noblemen joking about what donations they'd like to give me and I decided to seize an opportunity."
Levi's expression darkened and his fingers tightened around the empty teacup he was holding.
"Is that so?"
She kissed his cheek to allay his anger, and they went to join the conversation around the table. Roy poured them both some tea, and Levi nodded to the older man.
"How is it out there?" Hange asked.
"Still chaotic, and we're going to have our work cut out, but I think we've done the right thing," said Anya.
"I couldn't be any prouder of you all," said Roy.
Levi propped his elbows on the wooden table and rested his chin on his hand. Hange gulped her tea.
"Not only as a person of the walls, but also as a fellow working man," Roy added.
"T-thank you," said Hange.
Levi, however, was much less gracious in accepting the praise.
"Right... Next time, whip up an article that pats us on the back."
Hange shot him a disapproving look, whilst Anya smirked down at her lap.
"What will happen to all of us?" Roy wondered with a sigh. "Just as we've looked at Titans with fear...with hate...and with the wish that they would disappear from the world, the people of the world see us not as humans, but as dangerous monsters. And, as a result, what if this hell only repeats itself?" His teacup shook upon its saucer as he gripped it tighter. "Until the last of us are wiped out, this hell...won't end."
Despite the brightness of the day outside, the room was cast into gloom as Roy's words sank into their hearts.

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