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"What're you doing here?" Jax asks the following day. "It's Saturday."

"What're you doing here? It's Saturday." Sophia shoots back, standing straight from her hunched over position in the front end of her car.

"Hanging with my boys." He answers. "You?"

"You're looking at it." She uses the wrench in her hand to point at the engine of her car. "Fixing the damn alternator- it blew a couple weeks ago and never got around to fixing it. I'm also going to work on the struts and new brake pads-"

"You want help?" Sophia looks at Jax with a confused face. "What?"

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch."

"C'mon," She laughs. "There's always a catch."

Jax shakes his head, adjusting the black ball cap on his head. "Nope. No catch."

Sophia gives him another cautious look. "Fine." She turns to grab the car jack and rolls it under the side of her SUV. She lifts her car up and looks over at the blonde. "Get to work." She says with a slight ornery smile as she climbs back up into her lifted car, the handle of her tool between her lips as she pulls the old alternator out.

She grunts as she drops to her feet to put the damaged car part on a nearby work bench, using the rag hanging from her shorts pocket to wipe her hands off. She mumbles something to herself while she's bent over to look in her toolbox.

Jax gets a good look at her ass and legs in those tight, ass hugging denim cut offs of hers. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." The Scotsman says from out of no where, smacking him on the back of the head.

"Gah, fuck off, Chibs." Jax mumbles as he loosens the lug nuts of her back tire. "What do you want?"

"Clay's looking for you. Something about a new bartender for the clubhouse since the last prospect spilled a couple weeks ago."

"Shit, that's right. But, he's okay right?"

"Lip? Oh yeah, he's fine. He just can't ride for a while."

Jax grunts out as he moves the tire off to the side. "Why do I have to find one?"

"He said he wants someone you trust, VP." Chibs claps him on the shoulder before he walks back to the clubhouse.

"What happened to, uh, Lip?" Sophia asks.

"He took a turn too fast and spilled." Jax says nonchalantly. "He broke his leg."

"Wow, one of my brother's friends spilled- slid under a semi and, uh, he passed away."

"Shit, I'm sorry. You have a brother?"


"Older? Younger?"

"Both older; Gabe and Dave." She sighs quietly. "You? Any brothers?"

"Yeah, Thomas but he passed when I was younger."

"I'm sorry for your loss." Sophia says, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"I've made my peace with it." Jax shrugs. "One brake pad; done." He lowers the car jack before rolling it to the opposite side. "How long've you been into this mechanic shit?"

"My dad taught me when I was younger before I moved with my mom. I got a job out in Modesto when I turned sixteen and been working on shit ever since." Her blue eyes flicker to him as she watches him lift the other side of her car. "What about you?"

"Same story but without the moving." He shrugs. "Dads, huh?" She chuckles to herself. "How was visiting your old man?"

"It was fine." She nods, unsure if she should open up more to this stranger or if she should just brush him off. "So you guys are looking for a bartender?"

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now