twenty one

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"Why are you still in bed?" Jax asks in a soft voice when he sees a Sophia shaped lump still curled up under the sheets. "Everything okay?"

"I'm just exhausted." Sophia mumbles, her eyes still closed. "I don't think I should go in today."

"Okay. Keep me updated with how you're feeling, okay?" Jax's words are laced with worry as he sits next to her on the bed, running his fingers through her tangly hair. "Do you want me to stay home with you?"

Jax sees her bottom lip tremble as she shakes her head. "Go. I'll be fine. Plus, Kip, Lip and Gemma will be in and out all day."

Jax really thinks he should stay home but trusts her judgment. "I love you."

Her eyes open slowly and a tired grin crawls its way onto her pale lips. "You should." He rolls his eyes with a small smile. Jax leans down and kisses her flushed cheek.

He furrows his brows as he holds his forearm against her forehead. "You're burning up, babe."

"I'm- Just go to work, hun. Your mom will be here in a couple minutes and knowing her, she'll helicopter parent me."

"Okay." He sighs and stands. "See you later." She weakly waves him off, her arm feeling like a million pounds when she drops it back to the bed.

Gemma lets herself into the house and sets her things on the table. "Sophia, you okay? Jax said you weren't feeling too well."

"I just need sleep." She mumbles back, her eyes squeezed shut.

Gemma walks to her side of the bed and sits where Jax was sitting. She tucks some stray hairs behind her ear, the back of her hand pressing against her forehead. "You're burning up, sweetheart." She states. "You just need some hydration and Tylenol." She pats her leg before standing.

She returns shortly with a Gatorade and a bottle of Tylenol before she disappears into the bathroom to wet a washcloth. She lays it over her forehead, sighing to herself. "If it doesn't go down in a few hours, then we have to worry."

"How do you know all this? Does motherhood just give you wisdom?"

"No, after you've had two kids, you learn a lot quickly." She says, tapping the bottle of pills against her hand to give her two and her glass of water. "Tommy was the difficult pregnancy." She says somberly. "I had passed the family flaw down to him and it took him away from us."

"I had no idea, Gem."

"Jax was born with the same problem." She takes a deep breath as she looks down at her bony hands. "I've been praying that your kid doesn't get it."

"What- what if my fever doesn't go down?"

"Could be an infection but they're usually pretty easy to get rid of."

Sophia's phone starts ringing and she groans as she reaches for it. "Hello? Donna? What's going on? Everything okay?"

"No! Opie and Jax were just arrested with Tig and-"

"Slow down, Donna." Sophia sits up, holding the washcloth against her forehead. "Take a deep breath, okay?" She hears her do what she's told. "Start again."

"I- I went to the shop to drop some leftovers from lunch off to Ope and when I got there, I saw literally everyone being shoved into a van! They're all going to prison, Soph!"

"Shit. Okay. Where are you?"

"I'm at the diner."

"Okay. Me and Gemma will swing by and get you and then we'll go down to the station."

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now