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"Hey." Jax whispers, rubbing Sophia's back gently to wake her up. She whines softly, turning on her front with her head facing away from him. "I gotta tell you something."

"What?" She mumbles, barely moving her lips.

"I'm going outta town for a few days."

She lifts her head and looks over at him with barely open eyes and a bed head that has him chuckling. "Where?"

"Gotta run to Indian Hills; see my old man's friend."

"Where's Indian Hills?" She asks, sitting up while she rubs her eyes.

"Nevada." Jax slides a cigarette between his lips, lighting it. He takes a drag then offers it to her which she takes and inhales deep then hands it back. "You look so hot when you smoke."

"Don't get too used to it." She says as she slides out of bed and starts to pull a pair of jeans on. "Probably gonna quit again soon." Jax stands and leans over to kiss her. "Gabe and Scotty are still asleep."

Jax's face splits into a dirty grin. "What're you sayin', Soph?"

She puts her hand on his chest. "You can probably sneak out without them asking any questions."

His smile drops slightly but he nods. "I'll see you before we leave."

She pulls his flannel on when he reaches out for it. "Sounds good." She leans up and kisses him. "Get on outta here." She gives him a flirty smile as she playfully smacks his ass, laughing at the look he shoots back.

She peeks out her window, watching him walk down the street to his bike with a small smile on her face. "Fun night?"

Sophia jumps at the sudden voice. She turns and looks at her brother. "Mornin', Gabriel." Her eyes drop to the bottle of booze in his hand and a cigarette between his lips. "Kinda early to be drinking, isn't it?"

"Mind your own damn business." He mutters back, grabbing the pack of cigarettes off her nightstand. "Can I borrow a twenty?"

"For what?"

"Gas money."

"Gas money huh? What're you gonna put the gas into since you don't have a car?" Gabe clenches his jaw as he crumbles the pack in his hand then throws it at her. He scoffs as he stomps out of the room.

Sophia shakes her head as she tip toes to her fathers room to check on him. She's greeted with a dirty look and a demand for his smokes. She turns on her heel and goes to the kitchen to make Scott some eggs and get his morning cigarette.


It's been a couple days since Jax has left for Nevada and Sophia feels lonely. She's been spending most of her time at the clubhouse and the shop since.

"How're you doin', baby?" Gemma asks when she sits at the bar, dropping her purse on the counter.

"Oh, you know." Sophia shrugs, bending over to pull a plastic baggie from under the bar. She pulls out a joint and hands it to her mother figure. Gemma smiles as she lights up.
"Hard for me to admit but I miss him. Haven't really been in a 'healthy' relationship before."

"Healthy? My son beat up your brother and ex-boyfriend and elbowed you in the face."

"It was an accident." She sighs, smiling slightly. "He still feels bad about it." The door opens. "What the hell?" Sophia looks over and shakes her head as she steps away from the bar. "What're you doing here, Tweety?"

"Just wanted to see you." He says innocently.

Sophia sighs again and takes his hand, pulling him to a table. "This is totally against the rules but what can I getcha?"

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now