twenty two

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Sophia solemnly makes her way to the nursery, sniffling quietly as she lazily wipes away hot tears. She runs her hand over the wood railing of the crib that will never know who it's occupant was supposed to be. She looks at the wooden letters that spell out Maxwell above the crib then over at the cute motorcycle painting above the vacant changing table.

Sophia lost the baby.

She doesn't know how, she stopped listening after that dream shattering word 'miscarriage'.

She sobs softly as she picks up the sonogram Jax framed, brushing her thumb over the small blob that isn't there anymore.

Her heart is broken- shattered like glass.

Jax gets out of prison soon.

How the fuck is she going to break the news to him?



That's all she feels.

Numb and disgusted with herself for not being able to carry a child properly.

Sophia's been in bed for the past several weeks and Gemma's been trying to keep her company. She knows what happened to that baby boy. Sophia just had an infection that never went away and caused that miscarriage.

Pregnancy is a tricky bitch.

Gemma looks down the hallway when she hears a door open. "Sophia?" She calls after a couple seconds.

She makes her way down the hallway, checking the bathroom and master bedroom before she stops in the nursery. Her heart breaks at the sight of Sophia sitting on the floor against the crib, clutching one of the stuffed animals from the shelf against her chest as she exhales a thick cloud of smoke, tears sliding down her emotionless face.

"Glad to see you out of bed." Gemma says softly, leaning against the dresser. Sophia glances up at her with a dark, bloodshot eyes. "Oh, baby." Gemma sits next to her, pulling her against her side, rubbing her back. "I know. I know what it's like to lose a baby."

Sophia just sobs against her shoulder.

The front door opens. "Soph?"

"Fuck." She whimpers, wiping her face. "J-Jax is home."

Gemma presses a motherly kiss to the top of her head before she gets to her feet and heads to the living room. Sophia sniffles, covering her eyes with her hand as she starts crying again.

Her heart breaks even more, if it's even possible, at the sound of Jax's choked cries coming from the other room. She forces herself to her feet to go see her boyfriend for the first time in months.

Jax surprisingly wraps his arms around Sophia so tight that she can barely breathe but she's okay with it. She thought he was going hate her but he doesn't, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. She needs a hug from him now more than ever.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She whimpers against his chest, her sobs matching his.

"I'm sorry I was gone." He whispers back. "You had to go through this by yourself-"

Sophia looks up at Jax's bloodshot eyes with her own and gives him a weak smile. "I'm glad you're back."

"I'm not going anywhere again." He promises, brushing her tears away with his calloused thumbs.


"Hey, Tig." Jax mutters. "Have you seen Sophia?"

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now