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It's been a few weeks, maybe a month or two since the family dinner and things have been going surprisingly well for everyone. Donna and Opie are engaged, ATF has been pulled out of Charming for the time being, and Sophia and Jax have been living in her dad's old place together.

Fucking domestic bliss.

Sophia's currently in the bathroom taking a second pregnancy test since she totally disregarded the first one. Her period's late and she just wants to check on what's been going on.

She's not really worried until she sees two crosses instead of two single lines on the test and her stomach drops.

She laughs to herself uneasily as she scrambles for a second one. She sticks her head under the faucet and takes several swallows from the tap then waits.

The second test is fucking positive.

"Oh shit." She breathes, scared the fuck out of her mind. She grabs the two tests and pops them in a plastic bag then grabs her purse and keys, heading to the diner on her day off.


"Hey, what're you doing here? You're not scheduled." Bruce says from the kitchen.

"Where's Donna?" Sophia asks, obviously shook up.

"Back room. You okay?"

Sophia says nothing as she makes her way down the hallway, her bottom lip trembling as she swings the door open.

"What's wrong?" Donna asks, almost immediately wrapping the tall girl in a hug. "Is it Jackson? Oh, I'll beat the shit outta him, I swear-!"

"No, Donna, it's not Jax. Well, maybe it kinda is." She whimpers, wiping her flushed cheeks before pulling the plastic bag from her sweatshirt's pouch pocket. "I- I think I'm pregnant."

Donna sits her on the bench, her short arm around her shoulders. She lets her cry against her like the good friend she is. "Make an appointment with a doctor so you know for sure. There's no reason to get worked up over something you can't be sure of."

"You're coming with me."

"Absolutely." She nods. "I might be an auntie!"

Sophia laughs, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "Leave it to me to fuck everything up." Donna sighs, hugging her tighter. "I gotta call St. Thomas to see what needs to happen.

"Okay, keep me updated, alright?" Sophia nods as she stands, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

She can't stop thinking about how this is going to affect Jax. He's too busy for a kid, right now. Hell, they both sure as hell aren't in the right mindset for kids. They can barely support themselves.

There's so much mayhem that surrounds her and Jax.

She's scared out of her mind.


Jax sighs heavily as he kicks his dirty white sneakers off then tosses his cut on the couch. He makes his way to the bedroom, stripping his clothes off on the way there before he slides under the warm sheets next to Sophia. He assumes she's asleep since she isn't up reading like usual so he presses a quick kiss to her bare shoulder then turns on his opposite side, sliding an arm under his pillow with the other clutched against his chest.

She glances back at him from over her shoulder, tears swelling in her eyes. Sophia cuddles up behind him, snaking an arm around his front. He pulls her as close as possible, needing this innocent intimacy.

"Rough day?"

He shrugs.

"Do you love me?"

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now