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Tyler Durden as Phillip 'Lip' DeLuca

Things are quiet over the next few days.

It's nice but also unsettling.

Everyone is hanging out at the shop while Sophia is using her free time to work on her car again.

"Hey, Soph." Jax says, his arm snaking around her waist as he leans against her. "How's the car?"

"It's- oh shit." Her eyes go wide as she grabs his hand and slides further into the shop, pulling him into the office where they peek out the window at the car that pulls in. "The fucking cops, man."

"They're not here for you, babe." He tells her.

"I fucking hate cops." She whispers, dropping to her knees when one of the cops, a woman, turns her head toward the office.

"Calm down." He says, crouching next to her.

"No, I- I can't do any more time!" She's starting to panic, her chest heaving as she watches the crew of cops walk around the lot.

"Soph, calm down." He says with his hands on the sides of her face. "I'll go see what's up."

"No- Jax-" She reaches out for his hand but he's already out the door.

She takes a deep breath before she follows him. He's right. She has no reason to be freaking out, she hasn't done anything since her CA meetings and that was months ago.

"Who're you?" The woman asks the brunette.

"Why?" Jax asks, keeping his hands tucked in his pockets. "Who're you?"

"Agent Stahl; ATF." She says, flashing her badge.

"ATF?" Sophia asks, her stomach twisting with nerves.

"Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms." She takes a gasping breath before continuing. "We'll have a warrant to check out your little clubhouse and shop by the end of the week."

Sophia's eyes flick from the washed out woman to the stunning blonde next to her.

"Just wanted to give you boys, and girl, a heads up before we tear your property apart brick by brick." She says in a steady tone trying to sound spooky and threatening.

It doesn't work and Sophia snorts quietly.

Agent Stahl gives her a dirty look. "See you guys by Friday." She says before snapping to the surrounding officers to get back into their cars and roll off the lot.

As soon as they're off the property, Sophia grabs Jax's arm and pulls him to the ladder that is bolted to the side of the clubhouse.

Jax sits while Sophia paces in the small section of walk area, chewing on the skin around her thumbnail. "How are you so calm right now?"

"Isn't our first rodeo with 'em, definitely won't be our last." He shrugs, lighting a cigarette. "Why are you freaking out?"

"Because of how fucked up things used to be up until I got back here." She leans back against the short wall, taking the cigarette from him to take a drag before passing it back. "And who knows what the fuck Donnie's been telling people, y'know? Like he was way more fucked up than Tweety."

"You really know how to pick 'em."

"Oh, shut up." She rolls her eyes. "But you're a good one- so far, at least."

Jax blushes to himself, leaning forward with elbows on his knees. "I missed you, Soph." He admits in a quiet voice.

"What? Did- did I hear that right?" She exhales a cloud of smoke. "The badass biker outlaw missed me?" She teases, reaching forward to run her fingers through his growing beard. "You're a good friend."

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