twenty four

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It's almost midnight when Jax's cell starts going off like crazy. The blonde groans as he rolls on his side away from his wife to answer the incessant calls. "Hello?" He mumbles, still half asleep. His body shoots up then he suddenly stands, tucking the cell between his shoulder and ear as he tugs jeans on. "Holy shit, is he okay?" He gently shakes Sophia awake, tossing some random clothes to her.

She asks no questions as she follows him out the door to her car.

They end up at an intersection a few miles away from their house. "Holy shit." Sophia mumbles as Jax jumps into action, pushing past his brothers to the taped off area under the dim glow of the pale yellow street lamps in the heavy downpour of cold rain.

Sophia sees Opie's bike on its side, crushed against the wall and her stomach drops into her shoes. "No." She whispers. "No fucking way!"

She wriggles her way under the caution tape to her best friend, pulling her away from the body on the concrete. Donna sobs against her shoulder, gripping whatever she can get her hands on.

Her stomach turns at the sight of Opie being zipped up into a body bag, gallons of blood staining the already dark pavement. She glances over at Jax whose being held back by Chibs, she can see the tears mixed with rain rolling down his face.

She just holds Donna tight, letting her cry everything out like she's done countless times for her.


Jax has gone silent.

But he's angry.

It's a bad combination.

Sophia's never seen Jax act like this before and she's a little nervous. His best friend just died and there was nothing he could do about it.

He was hit by a car when he was turning onto a street. The guy who hit him walked away without a single scratch while the guy he hit is fucking dead.

Fucking cold.

Six foot deep.

Donna is an absolute mess. She went from having the life she's always wanted with the man of her dreams to being a single, twenty five year old, widowed mother who has to leave Charming to move back in with her parents.

Sophia's heading to the clubhouse to see if Jax is there. He hasn't been home in almost a week and she's worried as hell.

"Chibs." She grabs the VP's arm as he walks past. "Where's Jax?"

"I don't know." He answers, giving her a sad smile. "Try the cemetery. He might be there."

She sighs heavily as she climbs back into her Chevy and rolls down to the cemetery.

She finds her husband sitting against his father's headstone, his knees pulled up with his fingers fiddling with the rings on his hands. He brushes away a couple stray tears and sniffles hard, clearing his throat.

Sophia quietly makes her way to him, sighing softly as she sits next to him. "Hey." She whispers, resting her head against his shoulder.

Jax doesn't look up from his hands.

"You okay?"

"No." His throat is dry from being silent for the past week. "I'm not."

"What do you need? How can I help you?"

"I don't know." He leans back against the headstone and closes his eyes. "It hurts."

"I know, baby." Her hand rests on his knee, her heart incredibly heavy.

Shatter The Glass - Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now