Chapter 2- Aftermath

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An unconscious Eli laid in the aftermath of the fire, everything and everyone burnt, except a small area around Eli. There were no scorch marks, nothing, almost as if there was never even a fire.

As he walked closer to Eli's figure on the ground, he sensed the magicules that resided in the area.

Magic was definitely used here, he's with talent. The man mused to himself. Stooping down, he scooped up the six foot boy in his hands as if he weighed nothing.

"You have terrible luck to awaken like this." He said out loud, his voice quite soft and sauce. He knew that the boy wouldn't be awake anytime soon and the irony makes him laugh.

He just awakened but at the same time he's not going to be waking up for atleast 3 days.
Full on cackling now, the man teleported to Magia Academy.

The Academy was a huge compound filled with buildings, some floating, some rooted, all encased in an hexagonal wall where a barrier was placed to keep intruders out and students safe. It was built close to the sea as they were on an island called Ilha Magia not too far from the coast of Gestia.

Most of the buildings were designed with the colors white and gold and some an occasional blue or black like the laboratories. It was a beautiful and massive school filled with plants of all kinds, a few able to move themselves that attracted some not so harmful animals.

The colors shimmered as the golden inscriptions and depictions in the corridors appeared to even move.

"David! Where were you? You have classes to teach y'know. You keep on leaving whenever you want to and I'm not gonna keep cleaning up your messes. You have to learn to be more responsible I dont care how good a teach-"

"Ms. Tatiana, I know, thanks for covering for me, but as you can see, my hands are a little full right now."

Just taking note that Mr. Donia was carrying a boy in his arms, Ms. Tatiana began to go on another rant.

"Who is that boy, and why is he unconscious? What have you done David!"

"You know I'm sensitive to magicules, this young man had just awakened when I found him, now are you going to accompany me to the infirmary or pester me with these questions?"

"Fine." She huffed out. They began walking down the corridors decorated with golden dragons and white walls, the gold gleaming almost as if imitating the sun outside.

"So... how exactly did you find this boy, and he looks a little too old to just be awakening don't you think?" She asked after examining the boy in his arms.

As soon as he was going to answer, Eli's eyes opened quickly, but the normal black eyes he has are overrun with a strong and vibrant blue.

He jumped out of the hold Mr. Donia has on him and attacked, drawing in magicules from his surroundings and concentrating it into a small blast, piercing white light began to blind the teachers.

"DAVID WHAT THE HELL-" She didn't even get to finish the question, quickly teleporting out of the way to avoid getting killed one day before her payday, she had worked far too hard this month to die before collecting that check.

The blast was released and it immediately eradicated the corridor, blowing a hole in the side of the academy, going straight out hitting the purple barrier put around the school to protect the students.

"Jesus, that's some power, that's about on the same level as us, you told me he just awakened, how is he awake right now? He shouldn't even know how to use his own magicules muchless drawing it from nature and using it, even I struggle with that."

"I- I honestly don't know, he took off one of my fingers with that blast." He said, holding his hand, a finger missing. There was no blood the heat from the blast seared the wound shut.

And as quickly as Eli woke up, he fainted again, falling on the marble floors.

"W-what? What was that-" she asked

"I dont know... I really don't." He responded questioning just who or what did he bring into their safe haven.


Eli woke up with a raging headache, feeling as if someone had attacked him with a mallet. Groaning, he sat up, trying to remember what happened, but he couldn't, he could barely recall his own name.

What's going on? Where am I?

Eli swung his feet over the bed and attempted to stand, and fell straight to the floor, his face kissing the tile.

He moaned out loud at the pain that assaulted his head and clutched at it as he forced himself into a sitting position glancing around the room he found himself in.

He saw some beds with drapes separating them along with some medical equipment.

Is this a hospital or something? Why would I be in a hospital, what happened to me?

He pushed himself up and struggled to stand, he saw a door, and began to it walking despite the aching in his muscles. As soon as he reached for the door handle, the door flew open hitting him smack in the face sending him on a second date with the shiny floor.

"Shit sorry... Are you... Okay?" A voice silky smooth, flowing into his ears like honey spoke up. The voice was deep but not harsh and it instantly made Eli feel a bit more relaxed despite not even seeing the person who owned it.

"Do I look okay to you?" He retorted sarcastically, as he was finding out that floor was like a really annoying neighbor and he'd rather not have to greet it for the rest of the day.

Eli raised his head to look up at the owner of the voice and his heart immediately skipped a beat, the boy was gorgeous.

His black hair short at the sides and long at the top looking messy but perfect, his deep blue eyes swallowed in Eli's attention as if he was sinking into the dark abyss of the ocean. He was built like a mountain, not too muscular, but his body was certainly defined, his olive skin held only a few freckles.

He helped Eli up and Eli realized just how tall he is, Eli stood at about six feet himself and the boy infont of him was atleast 5 inches taller.

"Yes you look-" The boy catched himself and cleared his throat, he didn't want to start something he couldn't finish.

"You shouldn't be up right now, let me help you back to your bed." He said while slipping his arm around Eli.

Eli felt the heat rushing to his cheeks, thankfully the blush wasn't visible. Easing him gently on the bed, the boy tucked him in and told him to go back to sleep.

"But wait- where am I? Why am I here? W-who am I?" Eli asked desperately struggling to remember the simplest of events from his life.

All that was coming back to him, was basic information, like his name, his height, his age, he can't remember his friends or family and he was on the verge of freaking out, feeling as if something was out of place.

"Don't worry, rest, I'll be here when you wake up and everything will be explained. Rest you'll need it."

His voice was so alluring and smooth, quite the definition of enchanting and it seduced Eli into trusting him. And so, Eli allowed his eyes to drift shut, falling into a dreamless sleep.

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