Chapter 8- It's Not a Date

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"Did you find it?" Mr. Donia asked, fixing his tie his nervous tick revealing itself once more.

"Of course." Javier said holding up a bunch of dedisca flowers in his hand.

"You know why we must do this right? If he were to remember what happened in that fire he'd never be the same." Mr. Donia said going to the door, opening it and stepping outside into the corridor, along side him Javier closed the door and turned to face him.

"I know but it doesn't make me feel any less guilty. It doesn't feel right, shouldn't the fact that he's trying to break my spell and trying to remember basically all the proof we need? This will eat him up inside."

"He can handle it, it won't, he's strong."

"Then why are we keeping his memories from him?"

"Who can handle watching their entire family burn and suffocate to death in front of their eyes? We're sparing him suffering, no one needs to remember that kind of pain, that type of anguish." Mr. Donia said his eyes reflecting the very anguish he describes.

"But sir, we are not only taking away the memories of the incident, but also every single experience he's had, he doesn't even know what his hobbies were, not even what kind of food he favors, nothing. That's not living."

"And what of you? Are you really living Javier? Since the death of your parents can you really say that you've lived a day after that experience?"

Javier bristled at that, his rage controlling his next actions. He grabbed Mr. Donia and pushed him to the wall, seething he raised his fist, but as soon as he does he was the one pinned to the wall.

"Exactly my point. You shall do as instructed Mr. Rodrigues."

Mr. Donia released him and walked away leaving Javier bathing in the anger he felt for the teacher that had the audacity to mention his past.


Eli opened his eyes and is greeted with a small headache, surveying his surroundings he realized he's in his dorm and smiled thinking that the teacher must have carried him here, much calmer than before he sits up when he sees something blue glowing in the corner of the room.

Startled he shot up and landed right on his face and a laugh echoed through the room.

"How do you keep doing that?" Javier asked wiping a tear from his eye while laughing like a madman.

"You really need to stop hanging out in the corner of rooms. It scared the shit outta me."

"I'll try to remember that next time."

Seating himself back on the sofa Eli looked up at the now smirking boy standing in the corner of the room. His tongue darted out of his mouth and wet his lip, unconsciously of course.

As he took in the sight of a black tank top that was being stretched by the muscles of his chest and a loose fitting black shorts that apparently weren't loose enough based on the noticeable bulge he was sporting.

"Where were you?" Eli asked clearing his throat and returning his gaze to the walking Greek god in front of him.

"I had a few things to prepare for the upcoming school year." Javier said shoving off the wall and going into the kitchen.

He came back with two steaming hot cups of coffee. Setting one in front of Eli he went to the opposing sofa and took a seat, sipping his coffee and looking up at Eli taking up the cup, his lean muscles flexing with every movement.

Unfortunately Eli didn't know that that particular cup of coffee also has traces of dedisca in it which will strengthen the sealing spell casted on his memories.

Eli drank unknowingly and frowned and sipped at the coffee.

"You know, I don't really know much about you and I haven't seen the town as yet, let's go out."

"If you wanted to ask me on a date you could've just said so. Plus, I've seen what you have underneath so there's definitely no need for me to say no."

Blood rushed to Eli's face as if he were hung upside down, the coffee spewed out of his mouth as he began to choke. Javier rushed over to him and began patting his back, feeling a little stupid for flirting with someone who was drinking.

"First of all, it wouldn't be a date, I just want to see the town and know my roommate, second of all, if you mention that incident again you're going to wake up without balls."

Javier laughed out his hand still on Eli's back as he sat beside him, the heat seeping into his skin and going straight down to his groin. He stood abruptly and muttered something about heading to his bathroom to take a cold shower and change.

Eli finished his coffee and went to do the same, still a little flushed from Javier's flirting. He couldn't help but smile as he thought to himself.

Maybe it should be a date


The town was beautiful, somehow balancing modern and ancient, while still maintaining that mystique that was present at the Academy. A couple buildings floated in the air with some colored crystals underneath them, some remained on the land standing erect. There wasn't as much plant life when compared to the Academy but the ones you did see would steal your glance and demand some admiration.

The sun was out, but thankfully not scorching, but just a pleasant reminder to wear some sunscreen, the purple thin layer of the barrier barely visible but it's hue distorting the colors up above.

The streets were not so clean, but every now and again, someone would walk and take up a plastic cup and place it in the trash.

People incorporated magic in their everyday activities. Too lazy to pick up the trash, levitate it, too lazy to fly your pet dragon, let it fly itself.

Magic was in everything these people did, even listening to music, their ears all glowed with a magical symbol that connected their phones with magic, using the magic like wireless earphones.

After buying Eli a phone and ensuring that his number was saved into it first, Javier took Eli's hand to prevent getting seperated heading to the more crowded part of the shopping district. Both sporting blushes.

Walking through the shopping district where a lot of stalls and shops had been set up, the items being sold and bought by creatures Eli had only ever drawn. Faes, Faeries, Nymphs, Elves and a whole lot more. Eli was enamored by the beauty and culture.

Occasionally while walking on the streets Eli would see people looking at Javier and pointing it was as if he were famous. Eli didn't know why that kinda ticked him off so he just push it to the back of his mind.

"Enjoying the date?" Javier asked his lips tilted upwards as he looks down at the Eli who just finished eating a rainbow crepe and some bana-choco smoothie thing that Javier begrudgingly paid for as he really didn't want to use his money on that atrocity of flavors.

"It is not a date, I'm immersing myself into the culture and you, sadly, are my guide- Woah! Were those faeries!?" Eli basically screamed while beaming up at Javier.

Javier laughed and pulls the boy along by his hand to a stall that was selling some trinkets. Eli scanned the items and his eye caught a sliver chain with the ying symbol attached to it and he was instantly sold. Tugging on Javier's arm he pulls him down and whispers, his hot breath tickling just more than ear.

"Are you sure this isn't a date? I wouldn't mind you know." Flashing a toothy grin at Eli who just rolled his eyes and pinched his arm signaling that he wanted that chain.

Javier snatched his arm away, trying to scowl but couldn't, he gave in and talked to the old elf lady that owned the stall, Eli distracted as he's oogling all the other shiny materials.

"It's a set piece you know. Here's the other one, cute boyfriend you got there." She said smiling and handing him both the necklaces.

Both Javier and Eli blushes and immediately denies the claims. Javier hides the chain with the yang symbol in his pocket before Eli noticed and gave his 'not a date' date his necklace.

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