Chapter 47- Revelations

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A swift kick to the gut sent Akira flying backwards, the first hit Ethan had gotten in on the girl. There was something very wrong here. Akira wasn't a really offensive necromancer, she excelled in support and healing, she had gotten far too skilled in such little time and it confused Ethan slightly.

Her fighting style was more reckless than conserved as she was now, her mannerisms and strategies had all changed. Ethan went into the fight thinking he knew Akira and that's what led to his downfall.

Her blade was etched into his side and he was certain that if it was taken out now, he'd bleed out before he could take her down. He could seal the wound himself but Akira wouldn't give him the chance.

He wiped the blood that trickled down his chin away and gripped his scythe tighter, the other weapons he'd created laid on the floor as he couldn't concentrate long enough to use them.

He tried to rush her again but the minute he moved an insurmountable amount of pain rushed through his body bringing him to his knees.

Akira's shrill laugh got his attention and he glared at her as she walked closer to his crouched figure.

"That would be the poison, it's not fatal, just hurts like a bitch." She gripped Ethan by his hair, forcing him to look in her dark brown eyes. They appeared a closer to black than the last time Ethan had seen them. "I always hated those fish eyes."

Ethan smirked and with the motion of a finger, the scythe that was discarded just a few meters away took off right for Akira. She ducked back quickly, the scythe had almost gotten her neck.

Luckily for her the scythe only got the medallion around her neck, cutting through chain of the medallion and it clanked as it fell to the ground.

Ethan groaned and fell face forward in the dirt. That was the last attack he could muster and it missed, he failed Elana. Atleast if he died now, if she died they could both be together in the afterlife.

The sword in his side is ripped out and Ethan groans out loud and tried to clutch the bleeding wound but with the slightest movement it felt as if there were a million needles in his body sticking him.

A warmth began to pool at his side and he realized that it was being healed.

Wait... what?


"Javier!" Javier lips curled upwards, his eyes weren't smiling however. He was pissed and Eli realized that and promptly took a step away from the taller boy.

He had worn his uniform, however it was still white and golden and it stood out like a sore thumb in the castle that sported darker colours.

He had missed him a lot more than he'd realized, those blue eyes stared back at him and seeing past the temporary anger, all he could see was pure love and adoration looking at him. Eli was also a little pissed about the tracker but he'd deal with that later.

"Mijo." Eli wanted nothing more than to hold the teen that stood beside him but he couldn't afford to drop his guard with Zeke there.

"Reinforcements." Zeke smirked and with a wave of his hands they were outnumbered a hundred to one. He raised two hundred undead warriors with the flick of a wrist, no wonder as to why security was so lax with him around.

"Have you made any progess?" Javier whispered, he had his back firmly pressed against Eli's as they were encircled and trapped.

"None, he won't believe that someone messed with his head." Javier hummed at that, a plan forming in his head.

"Then we'll have to show him."

The first undead attacked and their bodies lost contact as they began to destroy the small army. Eli creating a whip from his light element and Javier stealing control from the undead and making them fight each other.

Magia: Eli's Awakening (BxB)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant