Chapter 50- Bloom

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The moon hid behind the night clouds, the wrath of Eli came swiftly but that didn't mean the soldiers infront of him didn't suffer.

Javier was stunned into silence but did as Eli had asked earlier. The event had taken place so quickly that he wasn't if sure if it had happened at all.

He watched as Eli smirked, his eyes flashed a brilliant blue and his expression became one that Javier had never seen in his life.

The shadows casted by the moon's light danced beneathed Eli's figure. In the instant Javier didn't know that Eli had been capable of that evocation spell, it was something only the masters of the school practiced.

Just as how the boy had learned to harness light and use it as a weapon, he had harnessed the darkness and with it he eradicated their enemies in one fell swoop.

The shadows had reached out from every crevice, from every building, under each blade of grass and then quickly subdued every foe that stood before Eli.

They had wrapped around them like parasitic vines on trees and as they did so they expanded and grew forming what appeared to be thorns. They grew even further until all the soldiers had been lifted from the ground in a crucifix position. The field was soaked with blood in seconds and the screams of the soldiers could be heard all over the castle.

Zeke and Akira had heard them and began panicking, the plan was in effect and they couldn't do anything about it now, they had been too slow.

The sound of a finger snapping rose over the screams of the men and then their screams were no more. Every bone in their bodies had been crushed and they laid dead where they once stood.

Only one survived and a grin painted her features, her plan would bear fruition and she would please them. Elijah King had bloomed and it was her who would pluck his flower.

Eli looked behind to Javier, his eyes a glowing blue in the darkness of the night and told him to go store Aurum somewhere safe.

Laughter echoed throughout the castle. Morgana laughed as she danced over the bodies of her fallen subordinates. They had known they would die today, they were prepared to sacrifice their all to see their dreams to fruition.

Unfortunately the soldiers hadn't known that Morgana had lied to each and every one of them
They had been nothing but broken men and women clutching to the desperation of something changing and she used that to her advantage.

There was nothing more frightening than someone who was devoted to their belief and she used their faith and dreams against them, all she could do now was laugh.

"Fools the lot of them." Tears came to her eyes as clutched her stomach and stepped on the face of one of her fallen brethren.

She enjoyed how she manipulated them into thinking they were dying for their causes when in actuality, they died for hers, for theirs.

"Elijah, Elijah, Elijah." She held a finger up, moving it side to side everytime she said his name. "What a beautiful display."

Eli was unimpressed, he knew they were all scum but what he didn't know was that they had no comradery and it didn't shock him.

He attempted to raise his hand to finish her off but something was wrong, he couldn't move. It would be almost impossible for her to control him even if she was an enchanter without touching him.

"So you've realized?" Eli glared at the woman as she walked closer to him. "You're magnificent."

She held him by his chin, forcing him to look up to her. She smiled and brought her nose to his neck and inhaled, breathing in deeply the magicules that were still leaking from the boy in his rage.

Her breath tickled his neck and it almost distracted him from the prick he felt on his thumb. He looked down and saw her holding a vial to his thumb, extracting his blood.

Javier had finally returned to see Morgana far too close to Eli and he teleported over and aimed a kick to her face, that was blocked with her arm but it sent her sliding back a couple meters.

"Well well, round two?"

Javier stood beside Eli and from a glance he could tell that Eli had fallen for her spell the same way he had, so he quickly held his hand and sent a burst of magicules through him, breaking her spell.

Enchanters normally could only control a person if they had come in contact with them and had released a small amount of their magicules inside them. The larger the area they wanted to control, the more magicules they'd leave.

However, what Javier realized Morgana did was to stall her enemy for a bit while she sent magicules in small bursts to her enemies and by the time they wanted to move, it would be too late as she'd already infected them with more than enough necessary to control them.

He had thought of a way to beat her while he was hospitalized, it was Eli that actually made him realize the technique existed.

He breathed out, exuding his magicules in the area surrounding him, still holding hands with Eli who was watching Morgan's closely to counter her if she decided to try and get a cheap shot in.

Soon after, a thin layer of magicules resided in the area around the boys and Javier would be able to tell when Morgan's was trying to get one of them, as her magicules would have to past through his bubble.

Eli smiled and did the technique as well, he was grateful Mr. Donia had taught him well.

They leapt to attack Morgana when she suddenly took out a pocket knife and slit her palm open. She quickly pressed her palm to the grass and the ground started to glow white and form a spiral on the ground.

Eli and Javier tried to derail her plans by shooting a couple spells at her but she deflected them with no issue with her free hand.

The blood of the fallen soldiers slowly crawled onto the spiral and she pulled out two vials of blood and pour them onto it as she chanted.

Eli landed the kick a second too late as he sent her flying but doubled over in pain as well. It was as if his insides had caught on fire and he could feel the strength slowly pooling from his body.

"What did you do to him!?" Javier charged her, and landed a blow to her gut, denting her armor but she had reinforced her skin so it did minimal damage.

"Him? I think you mean them."

They engaged in combat once more, both trading powerful blows but neither yielding to the other. Javier low sweeped her foot and mounted her, his hand around her neck.

"What. Did. You. Do." With every word he applied more pressure to her throat, just a squeeze away from crushing it.

"Their power, will be mine." She forced out and blasted Javier back with a bolt of electricity.

She rose to her feet, a smile on her lips as she wiped the blood from her lips.

"Are you certain you don't want to join us?" She asked once more, she'd enjoy having him around for a little while, he was a fine young man.

In an instant the earth underneath her became a lava pit causing her to move quickly away from it, and as she does an undead soldier attempted to slash her but she deflected it with a blade of her own.

"Grandma stop hitting on my friends."

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